Friday, December 20, 2013

A Year in Review

Welp, this might be the last blog post I'll make for 2013. On the bright side to this, I haven't been posting about anything recently; that's because I've been occupied with other things and really, I don't have anything in the works right now, so I kinda got nothing much to post as of right now, of course.
For the remainder of the year, I'll be on a trip to Mexico, so depending on whether or not I'll have access to the internet, this is it! What a great '13!

Looking back at this year, I think it's safe to say that I've have a rockin' year. And to end off the year with a blog is really an amazing acomplishment, that is, if I had my way of thinking before I created this blog. No wait. Before I created my two blogs!
I know that I felt like I haven't shared as much or revealed as much as I wanted to on this blog as I originally intended to, but I hope that for the next year, I'll post more content, talk about more topics, and maybe give an in-depth look into the many things I have in store.

Thank you guys for sticking it with me for 2013, happy holidays, and have a wonderful New Years celebration!

Friday, December 6, 2013

One Year Anniversary!

On this day, one year ago, was the day I decided to create "Doji Pocket's Blog," with the first entry posted on 4:26 pm.

It's amazing how much I've done with my blog over the past year, and how the one year anniversary landed on a Friday today! In over one year, I've managed to gain 3867 pageviews! That either means I have regular readers, or that is a lot of people who accidentally clicked on here. Nonetheless, it's been a pretty good year for the blog.

Monday, December 2, 2013

McTaco Town

Just today, my cousin told me a silly idea of ordering a taco at a burger place.

Welp. Here you go.

This took me only a couple of hours!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Wish Wish

Ahh, another new video uploaded! It's just been a week ago since I last uploaded something! I tell ya, I thought it was gonna be awhile until I'll have another video up, but boy, this is great!

Here's the link to my recent video "Wish Wish," which was based off a comic strip I wrote.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

I'm back, baby!

I'm finally back at animating! Finally, I can go back to working on 10 second videos with horrible voice acting by yours truly!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Finally Online!

Welp! It looks like I don't need to wait until Thanksgiving break to upload the video!

It's finally online! Lesson learned: compress video before uploading. Thank you, user from that one random forum, for providing that answer to someone else with my similar problem!

The video's found here! I compressed the video about two or three times and honestly, the one that's currently uploaded has a better quality(although I feel like some of the colors have been washed down)
Oh well! I'm just glad that it's up!

*edit: I was able to change the coloring of the video, so after some "processing" that YouTube says it'll do, the video should look a little bit better than before.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Doodles of Future Days

I'm not sure if anyone remembers (since I stopped talking about it awhile ago), but recently, I've started again on developing a series which has a setting of the year 2422. Before, minimal work on the series was done and I had little to show for it.
Well, kicking myself to work on it eventually worked, because I'm at a full swing at it. Now I'm currently developing all the characters, including two new characters that didn't exist before! So that's new...

Anyways, at this point, the characters are close to being done, with their personalities, appearances, and all, and now I'm getting to that point where I give them the free will to develop on their own. It may sound weird, but believe it or not, I've learned some things about the characters that even I had no idea about! It sounds weird, but that's kind of what I do.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

My favorite time of the year is finally here! Time for candy-lootin'!

In case you can't read it well, the dentist is saying "Can't wait for pay day!"

Friday, October 25, 2013

Halloween's Around the Corner

Ooooh boy, Halloween's approaching rapidly; can you believe that?!
Halloween's one of my favorite holidays because when else is it socially acceptable to dress up weird and take free candy from strangers?

Aside from that, I found myself drawing a lot about Halloween lately, but I bet that's not just me. I bet other artists are finding themselves in the Halloween spirit. Even before October started, I had a ton of stuff based on Halloween. Like for example, I noted out how some stores sell these Halloween items waayyyy too early. I know it's something that's been happening in the past, but this year's a little crazy.
Did you know I found some stores that are already selling Christmas items? Halloween hasn't even come to past yet and already with the Christmas stuff on sale! Heck, I remember seeing an advertisement in September about meeting Santa.

I haven't made an effort to find my costume yet. I think this is the third year I'll be going as a clown again. It's not because I want to, but the whole moneymoneymoney situation thing, yaddayaddayadda; long story short, I chose the clown costume to wear for as many years as I can and really, I ain't even mad. Think about it: I get to be a goof and be scary to those with a phobia of clowns; it's a win-win!

Let me just end this off on this note: You're never too old for Halloween.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Slow Progress

Progress on my current animation project is on a halt right now, so during this time, I'm furthering development on a couple of series I have in the works. It's mainly just work on character development and episode creations, like always.

I'm still having a hard time coming up with a definite title for this series that I've been working on for over four years.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Doodlin' 'round

Okay, this might be the first time I posted an actual drawing after a while.

Around last night, I wanted to draw characters in another style. It's like I'm stubborn enough to draw only in my cartoon style. I drew up this character and decided to redraw him again and again, just because I like how he came out.
This is that character, colored:
The background was a cheap doodle, but this is the guy. He doesn't have a name, but I call him "Trevor." (It's not his name, but that's what I call him. Confusing, right?)

I've gotta say, seeing him in color in my mind and coloring him out with the colors I imagined on him are two totally different things. I can see now that yellow eye pupils does look kind of "out there," but hey, it's good to try some new things out.
When I let a friend of mine check out the black and white doodles of this guy, he said it looks kinda of like an anime due to the eyes; when he brought that up, that's when I kind of noticed what he saw. As of right now, I see it 25% anime-ish, and 75% cartoon. Maybe it does or doesn't to you; that's just my personal preference.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Small Change of Plans

A few posts ago, I said I was going to post "Female Voice Actor" on the blog only; hence the phrase "blog exclusive," but I've decided to post that on YouTube when completed. It's not super-fantastic-mega-whoa news, but that's just something I wanted to put out there.
Also, "Batman n' Bane" is completed! I tried to post it on YouTube yesterday, but it calculated that it would take about nine hours to post.
THEN, it went on to calculate that it'll take two days to post! So until then, it won't be online for awhile.

Next upcoming projects:
>Female Voice Actor
>Facebook Virus
>Wish, Wish

Thursday, September 12, 2013

More Projects in the Works

I'm still pretty psyched about finally posting something on my channel.
After several million years, it is finally done!

But of course, it's not gonna stop there.
I've had some trouble thinking of what to do next because it didn't want to base more stuff on my comics; I'll feel like I'm just recycling my own stuff, regardless of the fact that others haven't seen it, which seems weird that I feel like that in this situation.

Anyways, I have two projects in the workhouse right now, which is "Batman n' Bane" and "Female Voice Actor," which is only a blog-exclusive.

Here's a weird screenshot from "Batman n' Bane"

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Milk's Favorite Cookie

Welp, I finally completed an animated video on my own free time with Flash!
It's a short one (about 25 seconds), but I'm just finally glad I finished it.

You can find the video on YouTube riiiight here.
Holy crap, did uploading take forever to do. I'm just glad it's finally up and all.

At this point, I guess it's time to find start another video, which is tough on my part since I really do need other voice actors. Heck, it's going to be impossible to create videos based off of my comic strips since they feature female characters.
Oh well.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Back on the Track to YouTube

Yesterday, I started creating another animated video.

The one before that I was working on will mostly likely be left untouched for a long time.

Update: screenshot of the current project

Monday, August 26, 2013

Back in School

This sums it up:

Friday, August 23, 2013

Test Animation: Part 2: Part 2-The Revenge of Part 2

The unnecessarily long title was necessary.

FINALLY. After a long time, I've finally been able to upload the "Mic Test" video.
Now, for the third time repeating myself, this is just a warm-up video for the project that was sadly put on hold. (Put-on-hold, cancelled; it's one of the two; I'm not sure if it'll be continued.)
I'm just happy that I was finally able to upload the video.
School is starting in a few days, so probably I won't have a lot of time to blog.
But then again, I didn't blog as much as I wanted to over the summer, thanks to internet issues; we finally got the connection working barely today.

AH HA HA! The video plays much better in .avi file, in my opinion.

In the meanwhile, here's a song that's been stuck in my head for awhile now...riiight here.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hyping Up!

This past week, I've been hyping up for the release of the upcoming American release of Flipnote Studio 3D.
So of course, because of this, I've gone back to using Flipnote Studio. Not for creating Flipnotes, but just viewing 'notes that I've downloaded.

This doesn't mean I'll switch back to animating on Flipnote though. That'll just be going backwards. Like going from an iPhone 4 to an iPhone 2.
This time around, I'll be using it casually.

I've grown fond of using Flash because it's so advanced and I can create better quality animations.
Speaking of which, I gotta get back to work on the video.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Back to the Pocket

Maybe some of you guys know, or maybe not, but I love Back to the Future! Best movies ever, next to Wreck-It Ralph, which is another equally amazing movie.
I bring this up because awhile ago, I decided to give myself a project to work on, which is to create movie/game posters of my favorite movies/games using my characters(which I still haven't properly introduced to you guys)

Here's a poster of Back to the Future:
It was created on the Nintendo 3DS with an app called "Colors! 3D." If following this blog for awhile, you probably would've guessed that. It looks fantastic in 3D.

I tried really hard on not making the background all plain and one-colored.
This was completed awhile back, so looking back at it now, I'm thinking to myself now, "Gawd, it's so semi-awful."
I've been meaning to share this awhile ago anyways.
I think I did a decent job, though. I was planning to create some sort of "series" of these, so for example, I was gonna do a Cave Story poster, maybe a Wreck-It Ralph one; I don't know anymore. I was actually working on a Cave Story one, but I became stumped on matching my characters with the characters in the game, which is kind of the reason I stopped on doing something like that.
Eh, I'll probably skip that one and carry on.

I will admit though, I had zero references on any buildings, or the train, so I'll admit, some things are not screen-accurate.
At least I tried.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Production Starts Today!

Just like how the title stated, production for my first animated YouTube video starts today!
I know making a big deal out this seems childish, but I really haven't posted anything at all on the Internet for some time.
And what I mean by that is an animated video that can reach a broad audience. Last time I posted in that situation was before Flipnote Hatena closed, so posting again, especially in a tough crowd like YouTube, is pretty big.

Okay, posting here could count, but this place really doesn't get have enough traffic that I can depend on posting here only, you know what I mean?
Plus, I kind of like how slow things are going here anyways.

Besides the point, production officially started today, and it's just me, myself, and I...and another guy. I'm doing everything expect the music, and my partner is doing the music.
Try not to expect a whole complete Disney-like amazing video, but I will try my best.

The video has been temporarily titled "Brainstorm Drizzle."

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Test Animation: Part One

Sorry, but there's no video to accompany this post.

Now, before I actually start making the video, I've decided to create a short animated video to have a small warm up to lip sync.
I haven't animated anything in a while, so I thought this little "warm-up" video can get myself caught up on my animating skills.
I'm really WAY past my due date for that video, so this month has to be the month.

It sucks that these kinds of things don't live up to its dates.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Moving Forward!

Everything's finally sailing smoothly!
I'll have a video posted on YouTube very soon now! I just have to find out the perfect range between me and the mic, but I won't worry a whole lot about that.

I'm totally excited about making videos for YouTube. I know I've stated I'll try to have something done before the month ends, but I don't think that can be possible, so I'll just shut up about any release date.

Here's a little thing of preview:
It's a shot of the first frame, so it's not really in progress as of this point.
The background is definitely still in the works ('cuz I'm not great with backgrounds); I spent several minutes fixing it before a took the image of the frame.

Here I go.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Birthday Matters

Today's the day!
I drew this up for today
In case you can't see what it says, I wrote, "Today's my birthday! For my 17th year, the theme for this year's presents is money!" Then the elder says, "You want money? Here's a job application ya long haired, filthy hippie!"

Oh, old people.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Party Glasses

I always forget when to post new comic strips that I finish.
I finished this one a while back
I'm trying to keep with this blog, but my frickin' Internet is continually its spree of ceasing to work. It's...pretty annoying, but while this is happening, I try to spend my time with the sketchbook.
It seems I've finally got my wit back. What I mean is that I usually have funny ideas about things that I draw up in the book, and for the period that I wasn't drawing in a sketchbook, I kinda had to "shut that down," so I wouldn't come up with funny ideas and forget them later on. I really hate it when that happens.
Sure, I could write 'em down, but eh.

Also, 6-22.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Closer to the Horizon!

First of all, I apologize for not keeping up with the blog lately. I feel like I've been absent for a while, and I hate to be gone for more than several days. A wave of sickness has taken over my body lately...

Recently, I've finally set up my PC in my room, so now I finally have an easier accessibility to animate. I just got the speakers, so now the next thing to do is test out how good my mic is, then immediately moving on to production on the first YouTube video I'll post, which is about that exactly.

The goal is to have it finished before this month ends; it's a strict deadline for me, but with all the free time I now have, I think I can have it done by then.

Meanwhile, with my absence, I've been all over Nintendo's announcements at E3.
I am a huge Nintendo fan, remember that now.

Friday, June 14, 2013

The Doodles Continue!

About a week ago, I ordered two new sketchbooks that look exactly like my old one, since I became used to its size.
They were actually really hard to find in stores, so luckily, we found 'em online. They arrived earlier this week, but I didn't actually get to them until last night.
I was really excited to get a hold of them. Like, I'd asked my dad everyday if they already arrived.

I have them now, but I haven't drawn anything in it yet. I guess my brain got used to not drawing or writing anything good lately, which was weird because when I finished my last book, I still had ideas and things I wanted to draw, but couldn't, which sucked for me. Sure, I could've put them down on something else, but I wanted to keep it in one place.
Now that they're here, I can probably be a bit more busy now in the summer.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ninja Groceries

School ending is good, but that means I'll also won't have access to create any animations for the summer, which by the way, I'm wokring on.
So before school offically ends tomorrow, I would like to share the last animated video I've created in my animation class, which is here.

Naw, just kidding. It's here:
I tired to pull out all the stops with this one.
Sadly though, I wasn't able to add audio. OKay, well I do the ability to, since I totally placed some parts in there that was meant for voice, but it just didn't work out in the end result. (I'm still beating myself up for that) It came out weird, both the recording and how it sounded like with the video. Once I get my PC up and running though, I promise to finally add voicing and whatnot! It's not like I don't want to, though.
The video's titled "Ninja Groceries," as said do in the title, and I'm glad I came up with this idea. Originally, it wasn't going to end the way it did, but I feel like this ending's better.
I tried to put the "blurry background" look like I did with my comic strips, but I felt like the effect wasn't the same.

Ahh, oh well.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Free Time Galore

Not a whole lot of people know this, but I have a ton of free time after the last bell rings.
That's the exact reason why I usually develop characters, series, and stories with high details, which speaking of characters, character development!

Now I just Googled and found this, and after looking at all the questions, I could say that I could answer most of them with 99.99% of all my characters, which is a good thing since I kind of follow this exact structure.
See, when I create a character, I think of it as creating an actual human being; I go very deeply and focus on extremely small details, like how God would create a human being. That might sound a little extreme, I understand, but look at the title of the post, son.
I also follow big details, but the point is that the character has to be believable, which I can't say I'm an expert at this since I'm the only person I know that does this kind of activity that I find fun to do with my time, so I never really have any feedback. I usually focus on their personalities, appearance, the activities they like to do, what they like, what they don't like, yadda yadda yadda; all of that stuff.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Doji Pocket Banner

A little while ago, I created a banner for my Facebook, with my characters and my name in the "Doji Pocket" logo (yah, I got a logo. Crazy, right?)
But that was only for Facebook and on Google+, which by the way, I think some of you guys found me already on there. Some people added me to their circles, which I don't mind.

Back on the subject, I created a banner-type thing with some of my characters and my logo placed on there. I thought it came out pretty awesome, and it looks great in 3D! I accidentally posted the drawing on the Colors! 3D Gallery first before I posted it here on the blog. I'm kinda smackin' myself or that, but I'm finally getting to it now!

So here it is:

Neat, right?
For those of you who used to follow me on Flipnote Hatena, isn't it awesome that my character actually has color?! But if you guys already follow my Hatena Blog, then it's whatevers since I have him on my banner. But. The fact that I have other characters is neat too, right?

Onward, though.
I'm really happy on how it came out. Sad thing, though, is that originally, I was planning to have a bit more characters included in the drawing, but I couldn't make it work. This is a better way though, since these are the main characters I use anyways.
Now that I'm thinking about it, you guys will probably see these characters a lot more often later on in this blog. Maybe it's probably a good idea to know who these guys are, instead of referring them as "that guy" or "that girl."

I'll get to that one day.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Of Mice and Men Alternate Ending (LINK REMOVED)

As I've mentioned before, my English teacher assigned the whole class to write an alternate ending or extra chapter to John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men.

Now, even though this blog is created to share my artwork/drawing/cartoons/animation to anyone with an interest with what I talk/share about, it doesn't have to be about all that; writing is a an art too, you know. Or is it?
It is. It's the craftsmanship of sentences.

Back to the subject, I felt extremely proud of what I created, since I treated this assignment like as if it was my own project, like with a passion.
I got it back graded on Friday, so out of 200 points, I received 185 points, which is great considering that's an A on the grade ranking that my teacher wrote on the board.
The teacher deemed it a bit "unrealistic," but I don't care. I'm just glad how it came out!

*edit: The link for the assignment on creating an alternate ending for the book Of Mice and Men has been removed. Nov. 7, 2014

Friday, May 31, 2013

It Ended Today

Today is the day Flipnote Hatena ends.

This online service was dedicated to displaying the works of Flipnote animators around the world. I just so happen to be one of those animators.
If you've ever seen the works created on Flipnote Studio, you probably would've never believed it was created on a Nintendo DSi.

When I signed up to be a part of the service back in 2009, I had no idea that it would change my life. It pushed me into improvement and honestly, I really have no idea if I would be drawing this great today if I hadn't signed up. It gave me a great idea on how many people really enjoyed the work I've created over the years.
I guess you can say that it was my first "big break." With over 13,800 fans, including international users and over three million views, you can see what I've built up to over the years I've been active.
Although I have drifted away from the site when I start high school, I never completely abandoned it.
What I loved about Flipnote Hatena is, right away, you can tell we have some sort of culture that we're all apart of. We have our own fads that come and go, and of course, we have our popular creators. I don't mean to brag, but I've been fortunate enough to be one of the "popular creators."
Though my favorite part about it all was that I've made some ridiculously awesome friends on the site! They're all a bunch of cool cats. Heh heh.

Overall, I think the experience I've had on the site was really a life changer for me, since it paved the rest of my life for me. Thanks to this simple little app, I now pursue a career in animation. It's hard to believe some dinky little application on a Nintendo DSi could have such an impact on one person's life.

Funny that I received a Nintendo DSi on my 13th birthday. I didn't ask for a DSi; I wanted a Wii. Funny how that works out.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Summer Plans

With school ending in about two weeks, I've got to make myself productive for the summer.
My last summer was totally crappy since I wandered around the house doing nothing. Nothing!
It was a good waste of a summer. Since then, I've decided to be more active this summer(and when I say active, I mean being productive, not exercising)
Ladies and gentlemen, the typical American.

Anyways, bach  back on the topic, I've come up with a small list of ideas that I'll hopefully do this summer:
  • Create animated videos for YouTube
  • Do some sort of creative collaboration with some one (it could be of video, animation, or maybe co-write another blog (I know right? Another blog?!)
  • Drawing! Of course! That's always on the list! Maybe over the summer, I'll try to draw in other drawing styles or maybe I can go back to learning anime (I dropped that earlier this year)
  • Earn money (a typical teenager thing)
  • Work on story/series concepts I've had in waiting for awhile

That pretty much sums up what I'll be doing this summer, or at least what I'll be trying to do this summer. I have a bad case of "Losing Motivationous."

And of course, I've got blogging. Hopefully, this place will be a mad house over the summer.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Cover Colored

A few posts ago, I mentioned how I decided to enter in a contest to design a cover for my school's planner.

Here it is:
To be honest, I kinda didn't really try as hard as I did last year, but I'm still okay with how it came out. It didn't come out great like how I expected to be, but I can live with the results.
I would kind of put more work into it, but tomorrow's the deadline and I already submitted it last night through an e-mail, so whatevers.
I didn't want to do the other concept idea I had, because that was just too boring-looking.

Since I love the idea of hiding easter eggs (mainly a number or maybe a word), I decided to do that for the cover.
Whenever I do decide to hide something, I always use "622" to hide. Why?
"622" just so happens to be my birth date! Like "June 22," in case no one caught on yet.
Just like how Pixar hides "A113" in their movies, I hide "622" in my stuff.

Of course, people will think that's just a random number. Let's just let 'em think that.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Lil' Baby

Holy crap, has it really been one week since I last posted something?

Okay. So. As I mentioned earlier, I've tried out the "blurred background" look for my comic strips and I actually really loved how it looked! This was the first comic strip I tried it on:
I really loved how it gave some sort of sense of depth to how far the background was and how close the characters were to the "camera," per say. I personally thought this is pretty much the perfect-looking comic strip I've ever created, ever. 'Nuff said.

I'm not the kind of guy who can write out one comic strip per day like Jim Davis, but I tried to choose strips I thought are funny and great enough to turn digital.
Then I ran out of those. Like, quick.
So now I have to create actual original strips rather than taking some from my sketchbook. They're still original, but in this case, I'm taking them from my sketchbook.

In other news, has anyone ever read Of Mice and Men? For English, we were assigned to create an alternate ending/extra chapter of the story following the author's style of writing. I felt really proud of my work, which is weird, considering you never really feel proud of doing a good job on a school assignment, just only that you completed it is enough to be happy about it.
So anyway, today I turned it in, feeling pretty good about it. And I thought, "Well boy, I should post what I wrote here!" I will, soon after I get it back from grading.

I felt like keeping a blog really does help with improving writing skills.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Production (Might) Pick Up Again

Remember that one time I mentioned that there's a delay on an animated YouTube video that I planned on working on?

Okay, things might pick up now. Things happened and now, I might finally get on starting the video sooon. Maybe, just maybe.

Also in unrelated news, I've started posting again on a little site called "Flipnote Hatena." This month's the month that the service will finally end after three years of running.
Boy, it sucks to see the stepping stone of my pursuit in being in animation to shut down in about a few weeks.

Ah, oh well.
Next time, when I have more work done on it, I'd like to talk about this superhero thing I'm working on. Luckily, the name hasn't been taken (Google's my anti-copyright infringement agent); just today, I went bach back on working on it and it's coming out pretty good at a slow pace.

But enough of that, I'll get into more detail the next time I bring it up.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Second time's the charm?

Welp. My school's running another contest for best cover design for next year's planner.
I entered last year with a rather colorful and neat design, but ended up not making it. I didn't even make second or third place at all. The top winner was a really plain and a little boring design, compared to mine at least.
You know how schools can be. Everything's "on a budget" and can't afford color printing for over 3000 planners (I don't know the reason for not making it, but that's kind of my logical reason)
BUT. This year, I'll take another go at it. I kinda got the whole "Eh, what the hell? I'll take another shot at it" kind of attitude towards it.
Last year, I kind of did it all in a "last minute" sort of way, but came out still great, in my opinion. This year, however, I'll try to be better at the whole "planning and designing" thing.
I created my entry by hand last year, but this year, it'll be all done digitally...because it's faster...and because it'll come out looking neater. Like seriously. I only had to use Crayons to color my entry and like me tell you, it's not easy trying to create a good-looking design with crayons.

Okay, so here are two early concept designs I had in mind:
Concept 1

Concept 2

Concept 2 was created after I first saw the winning design because apparently, schools love being boring. Concept 1 is kind of following the example of design I entered last year.
Early stages it's in, but I'll try to post progress if I can.

Also I completed the sketchbook.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Final Three Pages

Okay, for anyone who draws at all, it's only obvious that one should keep some sort of sketchbook or a doodle book to keep and take around.
My last sketchbook took over two-three years to complete. It was my first one I attempted to totally complete. It's honorably laying on my drawer, that crusty ol' notebook.
Now with this one, it's about the same page length, but took me just a little over one year to finish; well, almost finish. And since it's in the shape of an actual book, I'm totally going to be proud of the completed thing.

And I haven't even started on buying another sketchbook. Aww crap.
I'm gonna miss drawing in this old thing. I became kind of attached to that thing (I know, weird, right?) but at the end, I'm glad that I've finally 100% completed another sketchbook and will really soon, start another one.

It's hard to believe that by the end of the next sketchbook, my drawing style might look different (or improved) than how it currently looks right now.
All I know for sure is that May is the end month for the little guy.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


MEANWHILE IN THE SHADOWS. I've been doing some small revisions to things.
So for one this:
I went back and gave it a better look in quality and I added a blurred background to it; why I did is because I did that to another comic strip I redrew in Flash a few days and absolutely loved how it came out; but I'll post that comic strip another time.
Basically, I fixed minor details.
I always do that. I think there's a saying for something like this. I have a feeling there's a saying about this somewhere.
In other news, I kinda did the same revisions on the ESF poster I posted a while ago:

Happy "Revenge of the Fifth" Star Wars fans!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Imagination Plant

Another video?!

Okay, let me just say, this is a well-taken, timely animated video I would regularly create.
I usually create humorous videos, but I stuck to something like this, which is something I don't usually do, but I'm just glad the final product came out great and how you guys finally have a good idea on how the quality of the animation and drawing will usually turn out.

I felt like I used the word "usually" too much.
That usually doesn't happen.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Blast into the Past

I took a drawing I created about three years ago and redrew it in color.
It's nothing much to me, but I like the idea of a video game character looking into a mirror and seeing his 8-bit self.

And I gotta say, I like how this looks in 3D.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


My animated video has been delayed for so long, I created the storyboard for it.

It's not a bad thing, but I usually never create a storyboard for any video I create because I can already visualize the animation in my head. Thing is, this is based off of a comic strip I wrote, so I basically rewrote it.
But at least I know exactly how the character is going to move based on his dialogue.

I'm really planning to finish this and have it posted before this school year ends. If not, then the deadline changes to the end of June.

I guess I should take this delay as a chance to create and plan out more videos for the summer.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Another Crudely Made Video

I finally have another video set for showing! This time, it's longer and has some story to it.
This video is quite a trooper, it went through a few file formats, but it's finally done.
I started this last year, but stopped since the first file format erased about more than half of the video. You can probably tell since the first couple seconds is crudely drawn then it's better drawn for the rest.
And yes! No audio! On purpose! No need for audio! Mainly since I couldn't find the right background music for it. Oh well.

I'd like to point out that since I'm kind of just starting off on animating on Flash, the work may not be as good as my work in the past when I was animating with the DSi. However, I plan to improve with Flash during the next few years.

*Note, could somebody let me know how the video quality came out? I have a feeling the quality may not be all perfect since it's a longer video.
Please note any small imperfection :>

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Anyone wanna scan Mii?

Anyone with a Nintendo 3DS just layin' around can scan the QR image for my Mii.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Evil Remake

So this is something I'll be trying to do from now on
I'm going to take some sketchbook drawings and redraw them on Colors! 3D, with color additions and tiny detail changes. This is one of the first to be finished.
Basically, I'm going to try to share my cartoon drawings and doodles I've done in my sketchbook, but remastered. Comic strips will be done on Flash, but that might take awhile until I have more done.
I have to say, I like the actual sketchbook drawing more(this applies for any soon-to-be drawings) since, to me, it looks better and has a natural look to it; taking a picture of the drawing is just lame.

And no, I haven't seen "Evil Dead." I don't like horror movies.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Blog Update

Just a quick update for you guys.

1) I've added a page view counter on the blog. I don't think it'll stay very long though; I'm planning to remove it once it hits 1000 views.
2) I have also added two links on the top, which will take you to my satellite blog on Hatena Blog and to my barren YouTube account, which I still plan to post something on there later this year.
3) Lastly, I've added a translator widget on the blog, so for anyone from a different country viewing my blog (for some weird reason), they'll be able to read it in their own language. Warning: the translation might not be totally accurate. Google Translate is a little sketchy with translation sometimes.
The main reason I added the translate tool is because I receive a decent amount of views from Germany, Ukraine, and sometimes from South Korea for some reason...

Monday, April 1, 2013

Back from WonderCon!

WonderCon was a blast! I bought myself some really awesome gear, took tons of pictures, and saw so many amazing things! This year, I finally managed to take pictures of many cosplayers at the Con.
Hopefully, they'll have WonderCon again at Anaheim.

By the way, I heard YouTube uploaded this thing about a contest today? Check it out here.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

WonderCon this Weekend!

This weekend, I'll be attending WonderCon at Anaheim!
I have my three day badge all set, ready to go! This weekend's gonna rock!
I'll, of course, bring my Nintendo 3DS for the trillions of street tags I'll probably receive.

So, umm, I can't think of a clever way to end this post, so here, enjoy this.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Flipnotin' for the Last Time

Recently, I've been working on a few things with Flipnote Studio.
Regarding the YouTube video, it's been delayed so many times. I really really really really hate delaying these things, but since I can't work on it now, Flipnote Studio has been takin' my unresting urge to animate instead.
And I've got to say, it feels good to be back animating on the little app. I feel like that's all I've been talking about these last fews posts, so I'll try to move on to something else...but that'll be for the next post.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

New Satellite Blog

Doji Pocket's Notes

I started a mini satellite blog on Hatena! It kind of gives me a reason to continue visiting Hatena. This blog has no specific topic, so it's a "whatever" blog.
Most likely, I'll still use this blog more though, but I'll try not to completely abandon this new blog though.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Flipnote Studio 3D

About a year ago, Nintendo announced "Flipnote Memo," which is the 3D counterpart for "Flipnote Studio."
One year later, Nintendo finally shed some light on the app. Now called "Flipnote Studio 3D," the animation application returns and is coming soon to the Nintendo 3DS this summer.
How this is relevant is 1) I got my start in animating on Flipnote Studio and 2) I own a 3DS, have been waiting for this announcement for, like, ever. I guess you can say...I'll be a 3D animator.

Any who, I bring this up because I was a frequent user of its online community, Flipnote Hatena. I've been posting for about three years, gained a little popularity, and slowly stopped posting. With the new 3D app, a new online community will launch, but sadly, Flipnote Hatena will shut down on May 31st. The Flipnote Studio app will still be around, of course, but its online community will close.
Even though everything here might sound irrelevant to this blog, I had my first start with an audience with Hatena. It's like kind of my first everything involving animation.

It's sad knowing Flipnote Hatena has a due date.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Poster Colorized

From the previous post:
My main influences in designing movie posters would definitely be the Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Back to the Future movie posters.

*edit: I fixed really small details, but mainly it's a better quality now.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Hopefully, this weekend is the weekend I'll finally get my own PC. How is this relevant to the main topic of this blog? Thanks for asking! How thoughtful of you guys!
If I get my own PC, I'll be able to have programs.
If I have programs, one of them is definitely Adobe Flash.
If one of them is Flash, I'll finally have an easier access to work on animated videos!
I've been itching to animate for awhile, and the only time I would be able is to go over to my dad's place for the weekend.
I'll be able to work on things at a quicker pace, so I can post more YouTube vids!
I'm just glad I'll be able to have a better access to animate.

In other news, about that Doodle for Google contest, I'm going to try and go for it.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

What a Year!

This was true during the first month of the year. My dad gave me and my brother an Xbox 360 last Christmas, and ever since we downloaded Minecraft on it, I've been on that like super glue.
Around late January or early February was when I started to get away from the Xbox.
Nonetheless, it's a purty kewl system.
This time, when I drew this comic strip, I used Flash to draw it all out and exported the image as a jpg format, meaning I can draw more natural-looking smoother lines and the pictures will come out better than when I used Paint.
On a side note, I was planning to start an animated video today for YouTube (the big hype is that this will be the first animation I'll post on YouTube), I still need a mic to record the audio first because, well, try watching a video with bad lip sync. It ain't pretty.
On another side note, this:

Thursday, February 28, 2013

On to Youtube!

As none of you know, I got my start in animation on a little app on the Nintendo DSi known as "Flipnote Studio." Let me tell ya, after spending over three years on a dinky little thing like that, it tends to bore you down.
So I've stopped animating for awhile since school gets in the way of everything.
Recently, however, I've been learning Flash and a few other animation applications on the computer, so I created another Youtube account (first account is another story), and this weekend, I'm planning to start a full-on, voiced, sound, and more detailed animated video. Let's hope I won't lose motivation on this on.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Digital Recreation

She requested 'em.

These three were for this application I had to fill out. From left to right, it ranges from A, B, and C. Lemme tell ya, these versions are a heck of a lot better looking than the hand drawn versions.
I feel like there's a sense of corniness to them, but I can't say no to the fellow requester.
YA HEAR THAT? Yeeeaaah, she heard that. You better heard that.

Down the Stairs

I created this short animation titled "Down the Stairs," just like how this title post suggests.
I used Flash to create this; not including weekdays, it took about a week to finish, maybe more. I was thinking about uploading this to YouTube for the heck of it, since I haven't uploaded anything on my account, but it's just a seven second video.
Maybe I should go back on it and add sound.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Writin' Comics

Before animation, I had my start in writing comic books.
Like always, I would come up with the story, write it, and of course, draw it. It's been over four years since I last wrote a comic book. They were all about superheroes and their crazy adventures in defeating kooky criminals and villains.
Recently, I've been given a ton of blank paper; also, I've finally kicked myself to get more staples for my stapler.
The only difference is now, I've kinda lost my creativity in coming up with a great title!
CRAP, MAN. It's annoying, exactly like having a word at the tip of your tongue.
Let's hope laziness doesn't take over my motivation :p

Monday, February 18, 2013

Comment Settings

Unrelated to the subject for this blog, but....
I realized that I had the comment settings to "Registered Users." I don't know why it was set to that, but I've finally set it to "Anyone (including anonymous)"
So now anyone should be able to post comments on the blog.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Santa's Wish

I am so late with this one.
I've never got to posting this comic strip.
Also, I've got to use another program besides Paint. I'm not too fond of the pixalated look it gives to the drawings.
So anyways, now that I'm here, I've started some short animations that I'm working on. Progress is very slow, since the only chance I can get to work on them is on weekends.
Soon I'll have my ol' Youtube channel up and running some day.
The goal is 2013.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

"Future" Progress So Far

A few posts ago, I mentioned that I was working on a project that would have the setting of the year 2422. I'm not the best when it comes to designing backgrounds and whatnot, so I've been using some images I found on the Internet as references to create this futuristic city. This photo are some drawings I've drawn from using said images as a reference to designing futuristic buildings. Vehicles and gadgets are my designs, though. That's the fun part about this; I get to create futuristic gadgets. I know it's kinda hard to see what I've drawn, but just click on the image to expand its size. I kinda drew lightly because they were just quick sketches to get a feel for the design.
I've already created the characters(characters are always the easiest) and did some fashion designing(because I'm pretty sure fashion/style changes every decade or so.) It's all I have so far regarding this project.

So you can stop reading now.

I said now.