Thursday, January 26, 2017

Revisiting An Old School Assignment 1: Part 2 - Complete!

I completed the revision of my old school assignment!
Here's the before image:
And here's the redone artwork!
Looks amazing! I'm really digging out well it came out!
Here's a look through at the process:

Monday, January 23, 2017

Group Photo! - Title/Logo Reveal

Sunday, January 22, 2017

New Title Finalized for "Summer Vacation!"

This series went through different names throughout the years, pre-dating this very blog!

Initially when I first created the series, the set name was "Summer Vacation." It was a perfect name for it at the time, however as time went on it went from being its set name to a temporary name, as I always mentioned it as its codename. It went under that name for about the last six years.

Not too long ago however, I revealed the new name for this series as "Everything Under the Sun," but as no one remembers (because no one reads follows this blog) I quickly took down that name because I realized it wasn't the right name for the series. So then THAT became its temporary name behind the scenes for a few months. Soon after, I shortened the temp name to simply "Under the Sun." I don't think I mentioned either of these names after I brought down its previous title reveal, but now after about six years I'm completely ecstatic to finally have the absolute perfect name that I really love, and it fit captures the theme and its story on the dot!


Friday, January 20, 2017

Animated Witchcraft

Here I return with another bit of animation practice!

In this bit, we have Mandy animated for the first time doing some sort of spell or witchcraft. i gave myself two challenges in this one. One was to animate a character that was a bit complicated in design. Second was the main reason I wanted to do this: visual effects. I'm more of a character animator; I've been doing character animation forever, but doing effects like smoke is really tough on me. I did the best I can here for practice, but I like to state that restarted doing this smoke effect at least five times.
I'm overall happy with the end result!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Co'22 Character Design Progress 6 - Finalized!

It's been since August when I last updated this character line-up.

At this point, it's basically finalized! No major changes were made to the design and coloring during that time gap of no updates and quite frankly, I don't think there's much else I can add or change at this point.
Just like with the other line-up, redrawings took place on this one with the two main characters completely redrawn to be updated on how I draw them, which isn't too drastically different anyways.

Here's the finalized design along with a tiny change to its logo!
For reference on the changes, here's the last edit:
Before I forget, a new addition is featured in this line-up! The new fellow in the far right of the line-up is Ted! He's a grade below everyone else, but he's a huge supporter of Transhumanism and believes humans should evolve themselves with the use of advanced medicine and technology! Currently as he appears, he's in the second stage of his experimental transformation from a human to a robot with capabilities above what a human body can achieve. I'm still working him out and the designs for the different stages he'll appear in, but for now I'd like to declare that many of the these characters' coloring/design are basically set in stone.

As with the other line-up, if any small changes/tweaks in design or coloring is made, it will be updated.

One more thing! All of these characters have alternate outfits that they wear, which I'll show off another time. You can't be wearing a school uniform all the time, you know!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Revisiting An Old School Assignment 1: Part 1

There are two school assignments I wanted to redo. One is this action scene I had to draw and the second is recreating a famous painting with vector shapes.

The first one I wanted to tackle is redrawing this action scene I drew in my cartooning class. Here's the end result I turned in at the time:
I kinda didn't like the result at the time, and I've always wanted to redo this one.
I'll be back with progress soon!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Cancelled Web Comic - Verified Online

Hello! Sorry about that weirdly long hiatus! Some unexpected thing came up, which forced me away from publishing anything on the blog. I've been working on some stuff while I was away, and now I'm happy to be back! Soon, I'll show off what I've done lately!


I don't know if people still have a weird desire to be verified on Twitter or any social media place, but this comic goes out to all those people.
I'd like to take this time to follow me on Twitter @dojipocket.
Don't worry, it's actually me.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2017!

Here we are into the New Years!
To be honest, 2016 wasn't the greatest year in terms of world events and whatnot. The dumb election, the dumb celebrity deaths, and blah blah blah; in general, the popular opinion of the world (U.S.) agrees that 2016 wasn't the best.

However, 2016 was another decent year for me (at least for me.) Nothing totally spectacular, except for just another year of drawings and some animation from me!

y a y

Well, I don't have neat little drawing to celebrate the New Year so I'll leave you with

Happy New Year's!
Hope you have an amazing 2017!