Saturday, October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween 2020!

Halloween is back! You can't beat the chilly autumn weather, fun spoops, and free candy!
Well actually, is Halloween cancelled this year due to that darn coronavirus? I don't know, but it's not stopping me from making another Halloween-themed art piece this year!

So for these past few years, I would alternate between Marilyn in a witch costume and the Sally/Mandy duo for Halloween. This year calls for Mary, however the new witch character I created not too long ago seems like the perfect fit for the Halloween art this year (and her name is Autumn too! Very fitting for the season!)

I drew up two different Halloween drawings, one featuring Mary and the other with Autumn. After getting feedback for the two ideas, it appears that Autumn the witch is taking center stage for the Halloween art this year!
You gotta have some fun as a witch during Halloween night! You just gotta!

Regarding the Marilyn version of the Halloween 2020 art, I'll recycle that for a different occasion down the road. Maybe. Not sure yet. I've been told it can serve as a PSA kind of image since the idea with her relates to the virus thing happening currently. Anyways...

Happy Halloween everyone!

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

September Animation Practice - Wet Floor

Hey! Another month went by which means another animation practice!

I was originally going to post this yesterday but I completely forgot.
And even then, I added a light background artwork in the animation several minutes ago.
Things have been really stressful lately, so it was nice to create and enjoy the end result of this funny little animation. It's nice to give life to characters that hardly get that treatment.

I'm still not sure of what her name should be. I have an idea, but I won't say it yet just in case the idea changes.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Blog Update: Topics and Labels

Hey! Here's a neat update regarding the blog.

After almost eight years and over 500 posts later, I've made the very late decision to add labels on almost every single post! They sort of act like hashtags; you can click on a label at the bottom of a post and it takes you to a page with all other posts that are linked/related to the same topic.

One reason I decided to do this is for the ease of finding old drawings, concepts, ideas, and whatnot relating to my current story projects. Who knows? Maybe one day one of these ideas will finally turn into a popular show or something and one can go back in and literally see the progression and development of said show/idea.
It's also nice for me to go back in and find older content whenever I feel like seeing my own growth/change for myself and these ideas, sort of like a time capsule.

Now notice I said almost every single post has been labeled. A lot of older posts (especially between 2013-2015/16) are more on school assignments, personal life updates, small rants and ramblings, and sharing outside content. Those posts have not been categorized, but I'm planning on going back and creating labels for those particular posts; for now, I mainly wanted to focus on posts relating to drawings, sketches, animation, and story ideas that I'm actively working on.
I'm glad I decided to do it now so I can label old posts that were about Propinquity and Class of 2422 before they became the more developed version of Propinquity and Class of 2422 that they are today!

On desktop (and mobile I think) you can find the list of topics and labels under "The Blogthor" bit on the right side of the home page. Hope this'll keep posts more organized for the future!