Wednesday, June 22, 2022

A Happy Birthday from the Future!

Oh hey! It's my birthday! Again! On this day during this month! How predictable!

I mentioned earlier this year that since it's the year 2022, I've basically unofficially made this year the year of "Class of 2422." Themed drawings for this year will exclusively feature characters from this story project, and this year's birthday art is no exception!
Another year to add to my year count. Did we do good with shaping ourselves in the shape of the number 26? Judge for yourself!
I know that the yellow background color is too bright and loud, but I couldn't find any other good color to use. I hope it isn't too annoying to the eye.

It'd be super cool if I could see how our world advances in 400 years. Now THAT would be a killer birthday wish to be fulfilled.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Congrats Grads of 2422

With so many 2022 graduation cards on store shelves this year, I couldn't help but claim one for the graduating class of 2422.