Monday, December 31, 2018

Last Post of 2018

I feel pretty bad that this year was the least active year for the blog with the least amount of posts made. Welp, it is what it it. I ran out of 2018 to do anything about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

For next year, I don't want to make any promises because then I'll be disappointed if things don't turn out the way I hoped. I will, of course, have goals I'd want to complete but I'll keep those to myself. I know for sure I want put together an online portfolio, make/finish a comic book, and create animated videos.

Aww shoot, I said I wouldn't say what my goals and I just spilled the beans. Dang it.

See ya 2018! Bring on 2019!

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Nevadri Redesigning Process - Part 1

Before I started the fall 2018 semester, I was working on redrawing the updating the "Class of 2422" character line-up. With school and dumb work getting in the way, that process slowed down incredibly.

The one character I was working on at the time school/work started was the alien character named Nevadri. He was in a limbo state because of everything goin' on.
Once I started to pick him up and experiment with his character, personality, and design, I found that I couldn't stop drawing this E.T.! He ended up being a ton of fun to draw/explore!

Here's some pages of doodles and exploration!
I wanted to create a more appealing, easy-to-draw design than its current state, so here you can see the different design paths I was playing with.
I was really digging the design where he had two antennas in his head, but I figured that might have resembled Plankton's character from the show Spongebob.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Inktober 2018 - Clock & Weak

I have a few more left to show!
These next two are for "clock" and "weak" respectively!
This comes to no surprise since my love for the Back to the Future films should be a well-known fact around here.
I struggled with this topic, but I concluded with a small little robot trying to pull a sword from the stone. Guess it wasn't programmed with the sword's worthiness? Don't give up little bot!

The next few Inktober drawings will be posted later on since I still need to ink a couple more and post them on my Instagram page. If you want to see them before they're posted here, follow my personal IG account over at @animatedslacker!

Friday, December 28, 2018

Inktober 2018 - Whale & Guarded

I really love how these next two drawings came out!
I wanted to do something different for the "whale" topic since everyone at the time was drawing a whale, but I wanted to create a whale-like kind of character. I think the result speaks for itself:

This second one for the "guarded" topic is one of my favorites because of the small history behind it. I had a project for a class several years ago where we had to design a character and I created a beefy bulky security guard. I never really liked any of the iterations and the submitted design for the project, so I decided to redo it for the topic and I've got to say: I really like this design!
Ain't it neat? Also, this design kinda reminds of the Kingpin character from that new Spiderman animated movie.

If you guys haven't seen "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse," THEN GO SEE IT! IT'S SO DAMN GOOD AND VISUALLY YUMMY! See it now.

N O W.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Inktober 2018 - Flowing & Cruel

Two more Inktober drawings this post!
Here's the drawing for the "flowing" topic!
A lot of girls are big chatterboxes, but you'd agree with me when I say that Sally is the Queen of the Chatterboxes. Words just endlessly flow out of her!

The drawing for the "cruel" topic is the very first drawing for a story concept I've been toying around with lately
It's in its early stages, but the idea for the villain is someone who've lost all sense of their humanity and are solely driven by the pursuit of, well, I can't say; mainly because I'm still trying to figure that out.

Pretty weird juxtaposition for these two themes/drawings, eh?

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas!

Characters from my "Propinquity" and "Class of 2422" series always have all the fun to rep themselves in these holiday drawings. This year, I decided it'd be best to inject some EVIL into the holidays! Ha ha ha!
I hope to show off more of the "Mr. Ridiculous" project next year!

Merry Christmas everyone!