Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Update on Things

Hey! Feels like it's been awhile since my last post.

I've been pretty busy with other things during this month. Because of that, I am very behind on December's animation practice. As a matter of fact, I just started on it yesterday! I'll be sure to speed along process on that so I can start fresh on 2021's set of animation practices.

Speaking of 2021's animation practices, I'm going to start being more experimental with the topics and things I animate for this year, whether it's animating in a new style or animating a new cartoon style. The monthly practices started as way to get myself animating and giving myself frame mileage and personal deadlines to reach, and for 2020 I've mainly animated things that's very familiar to me. And I've gotten good at that!
Of course, there were some new things I've done here and there in 2020 and 2019, but I want to focus more on new and experimental things for 2021. I'll explain myself more in-depth about it when I post January's animation.

Also, I'll be removing a couple of sub-pages here on the blog. Most notably the "Cartoon Archives" page and the "Austin and Jennifer" pages. If you're interested in seeing those old drawings, you can go through them by exploring the "drawing" label.

List of topics and labels are in the right sidebar below.

...and with that, I'll be back with a new animation soon!

Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year 2021!

Marilyn is usually a 1950s fan, but she's willing to party 1920s style!

Now, my silly rule when it comes to making the New Year art is that I do not feature any characters from Class of 2422. Why would they celebrate our current day New Years if they live in 2422? That would be like us celebrating the New Year of 1776 in 2021; It doesn't make much sense.

However, I broke the rule this one time for the 2021 New Year art because I was running out of time and ideas for the artwork.
You might be asking yourself "couldn't you feature another female character dressed in flapper attire for the artwork?"

And to that I say, shut up.
I couldn't think of any other characters at the time that would enjoy wearing a flapper costu-

oh wait I could have used Sally huh