Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Taking Over My Own Search Results

Yeee boi!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

If Slogans Had Jobs

For whatever reason, I thought what jobs slogans would have if they were personified into people. And what jobs would they have? I'm glad you asked.

Here's the job the Burger King slogan would have:

...and here's the job the Subway slogan would have:

I've asked my friends on Facebook what other slogans I should do next, so hopefully I'll be able to do 'em and post them here.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Active-ish again at Hatena.

Of course I'll be active here, even though it seems like I haven't been as active as I was.
However, I've become kind of active again on my Hatena Blog, which I renamed to "Doji Pocket's Bits from Life," since I seem to post about whatever's going on in my life over there. Even though no one ever really keeps up with me over there at all, it's just nice to have a place talk about whatever.

I've just remembered that I still have more drawings I wish to post, so I'll be doing that to make it seem like I'm active here!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Project Danielle: Finished(?)

I finally finished designing Danielle's clothing.
The reason why I say "finished(?)" is because I still don't feel completely satisfied of the end result, but I feel pretty happy with what I've come up nonetheless.
I realized through developing the different styles and ways she could present herself is that there's an endless possibility as to how she can be dressed and look presentable. The doors were basically wide open for how I can dress her, so I'm still going to continue to find something I'm truly happy with, but for now I'm loving how her new look is treating her.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Mad Dogging Old Fat Guy

A couple weeks ago, I biked over to Carl's Jr and when I walked in, there was this old bald guy, and I don't know why, but it seemed like he was giving me this pissed off look at me.
He was squinting at me with this mad dogging kind of look. I wasn't sure if he was actually looking at me, or just had that face all the time, but it was kind of weird nonetheless.

After he left, I quickly drew him up.
It was a quick sketch and I had to do it by memory because I sat about two tables behind him.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Character Page

I drew up a full page of my main faces of 'toons.
I loved how it turned out, so check it out!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

New Smash Brothers character?

Me confirmed.

Off to the Bank

With the free time of Spring Break, I was able to create a new short video called "Off to the Bank." It's not the best animated quality, but hey it's something!

I know it's kind of unfortunate that it had to be posted on a day like today, but I assure you I just finished the video today, so enjoy!

The video can be found here.

Post April 1st edit: But seriously, on a serious note I've got to kick myself into starting another video.