Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas 2022!

It's here! The jolliest time of the year! Christmas has arrived!

No matter how many years go by, you're never too old to take a photo with Santa!

This year's Christmas art marks the end of "The Year of Class of 2422." I always find myself being obsessed over my own characters and story ideas over lengths of time, and seeing that the year 2022 makes us exactly 400 years away from the year 2422, it justified me to marinate my thoughts over Robert, Marilyn, and their friends over this past year.

Of course, this won't be the last time we'll see our friends from the future, but I've got to make room to showcase characters from other story ideas I've been working on. Lately I've been developing a new story project and designing out a new set of characters that I can't wait to post about here very soon.

But enough reading about my silly stuff. Go on and enjoy the holidays with family!

Merry Christmas!