Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

My favorite time of the year is finally here! Time for candy-lootin'!

In case you can't read it well, the dentist is saying "Can't wait for pay day!"

Friday, October 25, 2013

Halloween's Around the Corner

Ooooh boy, Halloween's approaching rapidly; can you believe that?!
Halloween's one of my favorite holidays because when else is it socially acceptable to dress up weird and take free candy from strangers?

Aside from that, I found myself drawing a lot about Halloween lately, but I bet that's not just me. I bet other artists are finding themselves in the Halloween spirit. Even before October started, I had a ton of stuff based on Halloween. Like for example, I noted out how some stores sell these Halloween items waayyyy too early. I know it's something that's been happening in the past, but this year's a little crazy.
Did you know I found some stores that are already selling Christmas items? Halloween hasn't even come to past yet and already with the Christmas stuff on sale! Heck, I remember seeing an advertisement in September about meeting Santa.

I haven't made an effort to find my costume yet. I think this is the third year I'll be going as a clown again. It's not because I want to, but the whole moneymoneymoney situation thing, yaddayaddayadda; long story short, I chose the clown costume to wear for as many years as I can and really, I ain't even mad. Think about it: I get to be a goof and be scary to those with a phobia of clowns; it's a win-win!

Let me just end this off on this note: You're never too old for Halloween.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Slow Progress

Progress on my current animation project is on a halt right now, so during this time, I'm furthering development on a couple of series I have in the works. It's mainly just work on character development and episode creations, like always.

I'm still having a hard time coming up with a definite title for this series that I've been working on for over four years.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Doodlin' 'round

Okay, this might be the first time I posted an actual drawing after a while.

Around last night, I wanted to draw characters in another style. It's like I'm stubborn enough to draw only in my cartoon style. I drew up this character and decided to redraw him again and again, just because I like how he came out.
This is that character, colored:
The background was a cheap doodle, but this is the guy. He doesn't have a name, but I call him "Trevor." (It's not his name, but that's what I call him. Confusing, right?)

I've gotta say, seeing him in color in my mind and coloring him out with the colors I imagined on him are two totally different things. I can see now that yellow eye pupils does look kind of "out there," but hey, it's good to try some new things out.
When I let a friend of mine check out the black and white doodles of this guy, he said it looks kinda of like an anime due to the eyes; when he brought that up, that's when I kind of noticed what he saw. As of right now, I see it 25% anime-ish, and 75% cartoon. Maybe it does or doesn't to you; that's just my personal preference.