Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Character Doodling

I decided to throw out some miscellaneous character designs and doodles one night.
It's not totally random though. I decided to start something that'll involve these characters.

What is it, you ask? Just wait and see.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Co'22 Character Design Progress 5

Only the alien's design was changed in this update.
I'm finally very pleased with Nevadri's design!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Below the Belt

Always never hit underneath the belt.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Co'22 Character Design Progress 4

It's really confusing doing this because in my files, this image is labeled as the fifth stage in this process, and I'm naming this post as the fourth update. Did I miss something?

Oh well, here's the "fourth" update to the line-up:
So the biggest notable change here that's completely dead obvious from the last update is that I changed the alien's name from "Zalamatt" to "Nevadri."

hahahahahaha but seriously, we got ourselves a new addition to the line-up. Remember that random drawing of a farm girl I posted a couple days ago? She was actually a character in this series :^) Then again, I mentioned that there was a farm girl in the series a long time ago. Remember when I said that? No? Then do your homework guys.

hahahahahaha but seriously, the alien's name is now "Nevadri."

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A Simple Farm Girl

"Y'all are mistakin' if y'all gon be crossin' paths w'th me! Now git!"
Seems like this farm girl's pretty protective of something alright. Then again, she's always been like that: a secluded, tough kind of person.

In an unrelated note, I'll be showing off the next update of the Co2422 character line-up :^)

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Life Before Anime



Monday, August 1, 2016

Spare Change

If you buy a jar that counts your spare change with spare change, then what was even the point of buying it in the first place.
Like, why tho