Sunday, May 28, 2017

Angry Marilyn Doodle

Even when she's mad, Marilyn's still cute.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Link Doodle

Before I got Breath of the Wild, I wasn't a big Legend of Zelda fan. I didn't hate it or anything, I just wasn't really big on it. Then I bought Breath of the Wild.

And I'm hooked. Hardcore.

It got so bad, I have to force myself to not play my Switch at all so I can actually get some work done. I'm really digging the game! So much so that I did a quick doodle of Link:
Consider this a small preview for when I start a LoZ fan art!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

End of the 20th Century Study

Well the last two months have been interesting, isn't it?
I don't remember saying so, but one of the reasons I started this study was to gain an understanding of what the cool kids wore throughout the last century and use that information to work on a project based around it.

Obviously, doing just a few pages isn't enough to fully capture the look of a certain decade, so I'll be continuing the study on my own outside of the blog until I have somethin' new to report or show off.

***Speaking of the 20th century, I'm currently extremely limited on internet access currently, so updates on the blog will be a bit scarce. Hopefully soon, that won't be the case because I'm planning on doing a ton of things during the summer break.

Monday, May 15, 2017

20th Century Study BONUS - The 1900s

Bonus! We're turning back the clock to the 1900s!
I didn't bother much with the men since it's basically the same as the 1910s.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

20th Century Study - 1950s Men (Revisit)

I skipped greaser boys of the 1950s by accident, so we're revisiting this decade just one more time. Please don't have a cow, ya greaser.

Seems like a certain life vest-wearing butthead is lost in time again.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

20th Century Study - The 1990s

Running in the 90s! It's a new way I like to be!
I'm just running in the 90s! Come on baby run with me!
We are running in the 90s! It's a new way to set me free!
I'm just running in the 90s!
Yes I wanna know, yes I wanna see!

Now this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to make a minute, just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air

Friday, May 5, 2017

20th Century Study - The 1980s

Great Scott! According to my calculations, it seems like we've gone back to the future! Well, the past from our point of view. Back to the past? That sounds lame.


Also, I forgot fanny packs were a thing during this time.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

20th Century Study - The 1970s

We continue our groovy trip into the 1970s! Researching this decade reminded me that disco was hip at one point.
Did you know the TV show "That 70's Show" is based on the 1970s? Mind blown.

The 50s has Marilyn Monroe; the 70s had Farah Fawcett.
The fourth page was my bad attempt at drawing up the iconic Farah Fawcett poster that was popular with the teenage boys during this decade.