Thursday, May 30, 2019

May Animation Practice - Character Animation

I managed to complete another animation practice before the end of the month again!
There are two focuses to this one: the use of a different animation program (Clip Studio Paint), and a short character animation test.

After I finished animating this, I realized that I was unable to save it because I was using the trial version of Clip Studio Paint, so I came up with a simple solution: take a screenshot of every frame and re-animate it in Adobe Animate.

I am planning on buying Clip Studio; I'm just waiting on another sale. Whether it goes on sale or not, I would like to start the production of the new video in June. I'm just currently finalizing the story, working on the character design, and I've gotta assemble a crew of voice actors. Easy peasy, right?

Thursday, May 16, 2019

April Animation Practice - Pen Reanimated

And here's April's animation practice!

Lately, I've been looking around for another animation app to use for my next animated project. So far, I've tried Moho, Clip Studio Paint, and Pencil2D.
For the main focus of April's practice, I reanimated a short segment from the Time Traveling Pen video using Pencil2D.
The app's in its very early stages, so it's currently not cut out for a full length production, but it has tons of potential! I'll definitely be looking forward to all of its future updates!

I really like how this animation practice came out! I think once Pencil2D has fully matured, I think it's definitely use it on a regular basis.
I wanted to try out Toonboom and TVPaint, but I'd have to create a user account to access those, and I really don't want other passwords to memorize.

Ultimately, I've decided I'll be using Clip Studio Paint for my next project. What is the next animated project? You'll find out soon...

Thursday, May 9, 2019

March Animation Practice - Ridiculous Run

I may be caught up on my animation practices, but I'm behind on posting these to the blog. Sorry about that! 

For the month of March, I ended up creating a looping running cycle of Mr. Ridiculous. Initially I wanted to animate a longer rough chase sequence, but I ran out of March.
I like the end result though! Especially the blurring lines to the legs; that part I like.