Monday, September 29, 2014

The World of Fictitious Companies

Probably the one thing I never mentioned around here is that when I develop these several-year-long projects or series, I tend to go way in-depth and create an entirely new culture of fictitious companies and products that allude to real life companies and products. Hell, I even go far enough and create a logo and a small back story/history for these companies and products. For example, the video game company Nintendo is known as "Tonendo" or something like any generic tech store, like Best Buy or Circuit City, is known as "TechSmart." These are just some of what I created, just to reveal a few.

I go out of my way to make sure that these names aren't already real companies or products, but of course, to my surprise some actually are.
An example would be a company name I created called "Digital Software," or "DigiWare" for short. This is suppose to be like the Apple in my world of cartoons, but it turns out it's actually real. Damn you Canadians! They're always one step ahead of everything!
Other examples are kind of obvious that they already exist, so like my version of Google's counterpart,, or my version of YouTube's counterpart,

Of course, I'm not secretly advertising these businesses.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Now On to the Drawings!

Alrighty then, so now that I've completed my third sketchbook, two things are going to happen. One, for obvious reasons, I'll be starting another sketchbook. The second thing is that now I'll finally be able to post those pictures of some of my favorite drawings and comic strips from the third book.
I've already accumulated a stock pile of numerous of share-worthy drawings, so hopefully posting all of them might take some time.

At this point in time, I'm still undecided whether to also post them on my tumblr and/or Deviantart page.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Almost Down with the Third Book

Like I've probably mentioned awhile ago, I'm very close to finishing up my current sketchbook. I can now confirm that I'm the last two pages of my sketchbook!
I'm not sure if I brought up the fact that this is my third sketchbook that I'll fully complete (besides saying so in the title).

My first sketchbook was just a regular ol' red notebook, which looks pretty beaten up as a matter of fact. That sketchbook lasted from around September 2009 to April 17, 2012.
The big deal about this one is that it's the first sketchbook that I've ever fully completed. I've tried to do that before, but it never really worked out, which also kind of explains why it took forever to fill out about 120 sheets. Something like this is definitely a personal treasure to me.

My second sketchbook looks just like my current one, except it looks older because it was an old sketchbook my dad had for awhile, but never used it. That one went from April 19, 2012 to May 8, 2013. The almost-completed current one dates from June 13, 2013, and it's expected to be completed before September ends.

As you probably noticed, after my first red sketchbook, I've gotten better at completing sketchbook faster, regardless of the fact that my current and last sketchbook have more than 120 pages.
It's pretty awesome to see the evolution of my drawing style and skill improve right before my eyes.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Nose Differences

Okay, so for the longest time, I always had a small worry in the back of my mind that someone will point out the fact that my characters, whether male or female, have some pretty big noses.
I mean of course, they're just cartoon characters, but I guess I felt that they kind of have some pretty wonky noses; that's just me. Now I hope you don't realize that after I just said all that.

Point is, I became bored in my math class, and I was doodling on my notes. One of these doodles, in particular, kind of scared me because I became curious on how my character Chris would look like with a normal nose. Let me point out that this isn't the first time I tried to draw him with a normal nose, but previous attempts came out pretty crappy.
But there's just something different this time that kind of freaked me out. Not like a horror movie kind of scare, but it was the feeling of "something's just not right." Check it:
I traced the "normal nose" drawing on Flash, so what you see is exactly how it came out when I drew it on my math notes.
I know it's probably the fact that I'm way used to the usual look of my character that causes me to be a little weirded out by a different look of my character, but damn dude! That's just hella weird! Like fo' reals! That biz ain't straight with wut I'm tryin' to put down, you know wat I'm sayin'?

Monday, September 15, 2014

Oh, the College Life

Welp, by the time I post this, some time would've gone by since my first day of college. (I pre-type a lot of my posts so I wouldn't have to force my thoughts out and that I'd always have something to post later on.)

What I figured out really quickly is that it really is a lot of work, that is, if you don't keep a pace with it all. For example, during the Labor Day weekend I decided to do all the homework that was assigned the week before, and let me tell you, it was a lot. It really did take a good chunk of my time.
I went from a ton of free time to a reduced amount of free time, which I'm not sure if I'll have some time to work on any animations. (I knew I should have taken the advantage of my time during my summer break!)

Anyways, I feel like I already have a good grasp on college, so now I'm just hoping that I won't crash and burn during the semester.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Third Thing

I've mentioned how I've been developing two series, but what I've kept to myself for awhile was that I was working on a third series in the shadows.
I never brought it up before because I was hardly developing it, and I was putting more focus on the other two. I don't have a name for this, but as a teaser let's give it the code name "I Created My Roommate."

This project was created around a year ago, so it's relatively new compared with the other two, which have like more than three years under the belt. What struck my interest in working on it again was 1) I wanted to work on something totally new and 2) the setting takes place at a college(sort of), so obviously now that I'm going to college, that series sparked an interest to me again.

Again, I wish I can discuss more on this, but I still have that fear of my ideas and designs being stolen online, so for now, I'm going to refrain from discussing more on the series.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Sketchbook Drawings Finally Going Online!

My new phone finally came it! It's a waaaaaaay better phone compared to my old phone.

With a better phone comes with a better camera. This time, I'm finally able to take really clear and high quality photos of my drawings from my sketchbook, so now I'm going to post sketchbook drawings more often.
Of course, they'll be posted on here, my tumblr, and my Deviantart page, but I'm going to try to post them here first before anywhere else since that's what I wanted to post on here for the longest time.
I already posted one picture on my tumblr and Deviantart, so I'll just bring that up here.
I've already taken a lot more pictures of several drawings and some comic strips to post here, and since these involve other characters, I think that will bring up the perfect opportunity to introduce my other characters as well.

Be on the look out for more drawings!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Finally, One Follower

I guess you can say I'm finally tumblr famous now.

Monday, September 1, 2014

An Alien Pony

I thought this was so hilarious that I wanted it to post it here!
As you can see, my cousin had requested such an "out there" request.