Monday, September 29, 2014

The World of Fictitious Companies

Probably the one thing I never mentioned around here is that when I develop these several-year-long projects or series, I tend to go way in-depth and create an entirely new culture of fictitious companies and products that allude to real life companies and products. Hell, I even go far enough and create a logo and a small back story/history for these companies and products. For example, the video game company Nintendo is known as "Tonendo" or something like any generic tech store, like Best Buy or Circuit City, is known as "TechSmart." These are just some of what I created, just to reveal a few.

I go out of my way to make sure that these names aren't already real companies or products, but of course, to my surprise some actually are.
An example would be a company name I created called "Digital Software," or "DigiWare" for short. This is suppose to be like the Apple in my world of cartoons, but it turns out it's actually real. Damn you Canadians! They're always one step ahead of everything!
Other examples are kind of obvious that they already exist, so like my version of Google's counterpart,, or my version of YouTube's counterpart,

Of course, I'm not secretly advertising these businesses.