Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Third Thing

I've mentioned how I've been developing two series, but what I've kept to myself for awhile was that I was working on a third series in the shadows.
I never brought it up before because I was hardly developing it, and I was putting more focus on the other two. I don't have a name for this, but as a teaser let's give it the code name "I Created My Roommate."

This project was created around a year ago, so it's relatively new compared with the other two, which have like more than three years under the belt. What struck my interest in working on it again was 1) I wanted to work on something totally new and 2) the setting takes place at a college(sort of), so obviously now that I'm going to college, that series sparked an interest to me again.

Again, I wish I can discuss more on this, but I still have that fear of my ideas and designs being stolen online, so for now, I'm going to refrain from discussing more on the series.