Thursday, December 29, 2016

Cancelled Web Comic - Cheap Humor

Some real low-brow stuff goin' on around here
Screw intellectual kind of humor.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas!

Ahh, Christmas! I can't believe how fast it arrived!
It only seemed like I just finished drawing last year's Christmas drawing yesterday! Speaking of which, here's this year's holiday drawing!
I know it isn't super grand or anything since it was a quick doodle of these two, but it's the holiday merriness that counts!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Animated Running Though

I created this one for giggles and such.
Gotta go fast!!!1!!1!!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Cancelled Web Comic - The Rise of IQ

Howdy y'all! It's been forever since I last posted the last comic strip in my cancelled web comic! Since October as a matter of fact! Sorry 'bout that! The last one was titled "I Spy My Crush," so now the next one is "The Rise of IQ!"
Just remember that all these comics have appeared here before! This web comic was simply a selection of some of my favorite comic strips I wrote, and redrawing them in Photoshop with full color and slight dialogue alterations.

I cancelled it because recycling stuff really wears me out, and I don't know why I decided to attempt something like this.

More soon! I promise!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Animated Hoverboard Mishap

This time around, we have Robert in this bit of character animation where he attempts to jump on top of a hoverboard. Little does he know it's a bad idea.
As per usual like in the last animated bit, every frame was hand drawn!

It came out pretty nice if I do say so myself!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Animated Marilyn Rockin' Out!

Starting this month, I'm gonna try and do different sorts of animation stuff, whether they be practicing or some character animation stuff.

First up is starting it off strong with a great looking animated piece of Marilyn doing Chuck Berry's famous duck walk.
It took about two nights to complete it, and I loved how well animated it came out! It was a bit tough, however, to get its timing right: her hopping speed was a bit difficult to get right. Also, the background was quickly created just so she wouldn't be doing her thing on a white background.

I'm planning to do stuff like this every other day so my animation skills won't become rusty. Look forward to more short animated content!

Monday, December 12, 2016

What A Lovely Lady

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Improved Character Line-Up!

If I remember correctly, I think I may have mentioned that I was gonna redraw one of character line-ups. It's been about a year since I first drew this particular line-up
Here is the new improved line-up, along with color changes and changes in design!
Ahh! They finally look up-to-date! They now look great!

Also, I have another exciting announcement! I finally finalized the name for this series that these characters originate from! No longer will it go under the codename "Summer Vacation" or "Everything Under the Sun!"

Its finalized name and logo...

Wimpy Android Cop

One of our final projects in my digital drawing class was to design a character. With this prompt, I decided to create an Android police officer who is a complete wuss.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Guitarin' Out!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Hey Batter Batter Batter!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

December Thoughts

We're less than a month away until 2017! Can you believe that?
I can't, considering that I can't believe that this year went by fast!

To be honest, this year wasn't the best year for me. Heck, it wasn't the best year in general. There was a ton of celebrity deaths, like holy wow Grim Reaper just chill bruh like dude seriously. Notable names include Prince, Gene Wilder, and Harambe.

Before I go off track, I'd like to say that I hate being busy with school work that takes away time for me to work on my own projects and such. Of course, I was vocal about these thoughts several times in the course of the blog, but it's true.
Currently, I have one week left until this semester is over and I have a lot to go through, so it's probably best that I should go back to working rather than writing a blog spot.

On that note, I'll try to post new stuff until then.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Whiteboard Doodles

Here's some neat doodles I've done on a whiteboard in class

Monday, November 21, 2016

Inktober Drawings: Part 3/3

The final set of the inklings
Did you even try and attempt to guess the topics for each drawing?

I'm ashamed of you. Really, I am.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Inktober Drawings: Part 2/3

Even more!
Did you guess last post's topics? Did you even try to guess?
...did you even attempt?

*sigh* Well, will you try this time?

Monday, November 14, 2016

Inktober Drawings: Part 1/3

I wanted to do all 31 days of Inktober, but school (as usual) got in the way.
So here's the first wave of ink drawings:
I did such a small number of these drawings for Inktober, so I'm gonna spread 'em out in three posts, because I can.
Can you guess what each drawing's topic is?

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Rockin' Out!

Here's another Marilyn drawing, but of her doin' what she loves: playing music!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Small Doodle/Poland Popularity

Here's a quick little doodle I did of my storyboard teacher awhile ago.

In an unrelated note, I've noticed how the blog recently got a surge of 120 views...from Poland. Don't believe me?
What did I do to please the Polish people? Probably the peculiar chance that I became popular with the Polish people? Probably not. Most likely not.

In any case, Dziękuję Polska!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

One Threatening Fella

Seems like he's not the kind of guy you should cross paths with.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween 2016!

Halloween is back! It's that time of the year again for scare, frights, and bites! (If you're a vampire that is.) And candy! TONS OF FREE CANDY.

To mark today's spirit of scares, I drew up a (rather nice-looking) drawing of Marilyn in a (rather nice-looking) witch costume!

Happy Halloween everybody!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Hostile Tomboy

I know Alyssa can be a hardass at times, but- no, you know what?
She's always been like that in general.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Cancelled Web Comic - I Spy My Crush

Comin' at ya again with another colorized cartoon.
Again, if you ever follow the things that have been posted, you'll know that you're seeing these drawings for the second time. They're merely cartoon drawings I've posted, but have undergone a redrawing and coloring process.

Even though I ditched the my original plan for these drawings, I really love how nice they came out. Who knows? Maybe I'll do more redrawings/colorings just for fun.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Animation Showman

I started to get the hang of the flipbook feature with the Sketchbook Pro application so during class, I created this neat little animation!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Class of 2422 Logo Reveal!

Alright alright alright! Today's the day!

Let me just say after about 5ish years of developing this series, I'm glad to finally have the proper logo for it! Here it is!
Amazing! I take full pride on it! I honestly couldn't stop looking at it after I finished created it. I impressed myself with the final product! It was a bit tough really capturing the 1950s feel.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Cancelled Web Comic - Spare Change

Second comic!
You know, ultimately I am a bit disappointed the idea of rehashing these drawings and comics didn't go through since a lot of these look really great all nicely drawn and colored!

I know I could just simply redraw and color these comics without having to publish them and whatnot, but then again I'm not big on rehashing stuff. This is all proof that I ultimately really dislike recycling content.

However, I'd love to start another web comic like "Austin & Jennifer," but I'm totally busy and in focus on working and developing my two current series.
Speaking of which, I forgot to post the finalized logo for the two.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Cancelled Web Comic - Autobiographies in Time

Alright, so for the next eight (or more) days, I'll be posting a comic strip of sort of what would have been a planned web comic.

As I know I've mentioned before, this web comic I had in mind is an exact rehash of those cartoon drawings that I post here, but they're colorized with slight alterations. The purpose of that was to introduce my comics and funny drawings that I've drawn in my sketchbook to on another platform besides this blog.

One of the reasons as to why I ended the project was the lack of motivation since I was basically recycling content (but I was totally aware of it, of course), and as time when went on, I realized how much recycling and doing the same exact thing for another audience was kind of a dumb idea. Second, a lot of other dumb things kept getting in the way of continuing the progress, like school. Thirdly, I've realized too late about Tapastic's ideal formatting when it comes to comic strips, and I was simply lazy about going back and reformatting everything, but by then I lost motivation to keep going.

Ultimately, I was going to start publishing after I finished 10 comic strips, but I have only eight completed, so instead of keeping them around collecting virtual dust on my flash drive, I'll be dumping 'em here! And other social media places, of course!

Here's the first one for now! I know I've posted this before as a preview, but it underwent slight alterations since it was last posted.
One down! Seven more to go! They won't be posted in any particular order.

I never came up with a title for this series, so in the title of these posts I'll just refer it to as "Canceled Web Comic - (Name of Comic.)"

Friday, September 23, 2016

AR Phone

I was messing around with an idea of a kind of technology that could maybe possibly probably exist maybe in 300ish years.
I bet this does already exist somewhere. Like I said, I was just messing around with an idea.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Flying Tablet

How'd her tablet end up flying through the air?
However it happened, let's hope she can catch it in time or that it doesn't break on impact!

I know that I don't do a lot of side shots of my characters. Like, at all.
This was kind of the point of this drawing; to see if I can draw a side profile of a character and making sure it looks good, which it does in my opinion.

I have a couple more of these random doodles stored away so I'll be sure to post 'em around here soon.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Woody Kid!

I did a little sketch of a kid pretending to be Woody in one of my sketchbook. Originally, I was gonna draw it out in Photoshop, but then I figured I'd do it in Illustrator instead.
Seems like I made the right choice! It came out looking pretty great!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Cheap Humor

Comedy's comedy, ya know?
This is the last comic I have to show off for now.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Character Doodling

I decided to throw out some miscellaneous character designs and doodles one night.
It's not totally random though. I decided to start something that'll involve these characters.

What is it, you ask? Just wait and see.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Co'22 Character Design Progress 5

Only the alien's design was changed in this update.
I'm finally very pleased with Nevadri's design!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Below the Belt

Always never hit underneath the belt.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Co'22 Character Design Progress 4

It's really confusing doing this because in my files, this image is labeled as the fifth stage in this process, and I'm naming this post as the fourth update. Did I miss something?

Oh well, here's the "fourth" update to the line-up:
So the biggest notable change here that's completely dead obvious from the last update is that I changed the alien's name from "Zalamatt" to "Nevadri."

hahahahahaha but seriously, we got ourselves a new addition to the line-up. Remember that random drawing of a farm girl I posted a couple days ago? She was actually a character in this series :^) Then again, I mentioned that there was a farm girl in the series a long time ago. Remember when I said that? No? Then do your homework guys.

hahahahahaha but seriously, the alien's name is now "Nevadri."

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A Simple Farm Girl

"Y'all are mistakin' if y'all gon be crossin' paths w'th me! Now git!"
Seems like this farm girl's pretty protective of something alright. Then again, she's always been like that: a secluded, tough kind of person.

In an unrelated note, I'll be showing off the next update of the Co2422 character line-up :^)

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Life Before Anime



Monday, August 1, 2016

Spare Change

If you buy a jar that counts your spare change with spare change, then what was even the point of buying it in the first place.
Like, why tho

Monday, July 25, 2016

Trust That Bro

Sometimes you can judge a book by its cover.
Ha ha ha ha no seriously, don't judge a book by its cover.

Monday, July 18, 2016


I just want to highlight here that I got like 100+ views out of nowhere from a small island in the middle of nowhere
Hey Mauritius! Kudos! You guys look beautiful!