Friday, April 29, 2016


I know women can talk so much, but this is taking it a bit too far.

To kick things off with more cartoon drawings, let's start with a comic strip starring good ol' Robert and Marilyn. Since this was written some time ago, their design looks a bit outdated.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

New Web Comic Coming Soon

I know I've probably talked this before, but here's an official announcement about it!

The comic is primarily based on comic strips and jokes I've already drawn in my sketchbook, so even though I'm essentially recycling stuff it's new to YOU!

...admittingly, no they won't be since they've already been posted on here as pictures directly from my sketchbook. However, I've selected several from those that have already been published on here and soon will get the polished, colored treatment. Within the mix of already completed drawings are cartoon drawings that I haven't posted on here yet, so I guess there will be some new stuff in there after all.

Since I'll be publishing on Tapastic however, I'l be reaching an audience who has never seen my stuff before, so there's that.
I posted a sneak peak on my other pages to show what's coming up:
I'll announce more details soon!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Color Tweaking: The Seconding

It happened, guys. I went in and did little adjustments/tweaks to the coloring.
Here, spot the differences between the new above and the previous below.
I just realized I gotta bring all the color adjustments to everything I'm currently working on.


Thursday, April 7, 2016

Pulling a George Lucas

Hey hey hey, remember that one web comic that didn't work out?
Oh yeeeah, THAT one. The whole Austin and Jennifer thing!
Yeah, it's still cancelled.

I posted all the comic strips in the series on a separate page here on the blog. Somewhere around here...huh, I forgot where. They've been posted on that page in the vertical format that they've been originally published in, but I'm giving you a little heads up that I'm currently reformatting them in the classic horizontal comic strip form, along with typed out dialogue, and slightly tweaked art and dialogue. It's kind of like I'm doing what George Lucas did to Star Wars, but on a much smaller scale.

No one's gonna notice though because no one actually reads my comics...

Here's a little sneak peak that what I'm doing with the comic strips:
as compared to:
Looking back at it, I'm kind of glad I pulled the plug on this web comic.
Let's face it: there was so much wrong in my perspective.
The two leads weren't developed enough to the point that they seemed like they acted natural together and could riff off each other, many of the jokes here were reused from other comic strips rather than its humor coming from these two and how they treat each other, I've could've done a better job at the character design; basically, it was all kind of rushed to get it out there, and with the bad mix of being really occupied with school, the interest to keep it running just died out.

Who knows? Maybe I'll bring this series back, but as for now, there won't be any new "Austin and Jennifer" comic strips any time soon.

I'll let you know when the page is updated with the newer versions of the comic strips.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Co'22 Character Design Progress 2

I've had Kate's final design finished for awhile, so here she is!
Ain't she cute?

Other than that, other changes to report are changes in the uniform's blue colors; I pushed their saturation to a more desirable blue which looks way more fantastic!
Sadly, Robert's rocketboard's design & coloring isn't done yet, neither is Kate's ear antenna's coloring.

More characters will be added soon!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Redesign on that Banner Commission

A few months ago, I made a post about doing this commission for a social media banner.
Remember? Well DO YA?!
Looking back on it, I realized that I didn't like the artwork I did for it and some other little things included that I wanted to change. Well I didn't get paid for it yet, but that's okay since I was able to go back and do a better job at this without any problems. Keep in mind that a friend of mine commissioned me, so it's all cool brah.
Here's the better version, which he liked better (and I liked better too):
I redid the entire artwork with improved shading, along with a font change for the bottom text and minor placement adjusting. He asked for some resizings of the image, which I did, so now at this point is when I'm guessing I'll get paid for sure this time.

I finally decided on a price but that might change, so I'll be back to edit this post with the amount I got paid for.

Or maybe not. Who knows?

Friday, April 1, 2016

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