Monday, June 29, 2015

New Austin and Jennifer episode!

Another episode for "Austin and Jennifer" is up live here at its Tapastic page.

I'm just posting what I have so far, which is like only three episodes so far, but it's something to start up the series' momentum again.

As I've mentioned, I've started drawing the strip in Photoshop now, and as I've previously shown off before, it looks great! I really love the fact that it has a bit of that "hand-drawn" look, not like before how it didn't have that natural looking look to it.
And another plus is that it's way easier to draw and color the episodes in Photoshop! It makes things easier on my part! The process is faster too!

Hopefully I'll have more done and ready to be published soon!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Shock

The shock is real.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Shadow's Shadow

This is some trippy stuff right here.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Just Another 18-Year-Old Who Turned 19

You heard right! I'm 19!
But everyone else is still older than me!
Sorry that I don't have a drawing for this day. I couldn't think of anything good early enough.

Nothing much has changed ever since I turned 18, expect that I finished my first year of college. I don't know how I survived my first year in college, but here I am, still breathing apparently!

I really don't have any plans for my birthday. I don't even feel much excitement about it either. It's not because I dread today or anything. I guess as the years go by, it just slowly turns into another normal day, except of course that you'll get the "Happy Birthday" greeting from an extremely small set of family members who remembered. I'm fine with that.

I know for a fact that my Facebook notifications will blow with people wishing me a happy birthday. Of course, I know they won't actually know my birthday if I took off my birth date from my profile. I'd love to do that one of these years and see the results, heh heh heh.

I don't know what to expect for my 19th year of life. For some reason, I always think something awesome and amazing will happen each and every year, but it doesn't.
Guess I've got to stop giving myself a big expectation for every year, eh?

Nonetheless, happy happy happy birthday to me today!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Messing Up So Badly

A cliche found in cartoons is something being on fire if a character somehow screws up on a simple task. It's time to challenge the norm.

Plus, how can you mess up this badly? Like seriously!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Color Testing

If you don't remember, I've gone back and redesigned some of my trademark characters that I've been using for about five years at this point. You know what they looked like since you've seen them all the live long days, or whenever I've posted any cartoon drawings from my sketchbook.
However, redesigning the look is one thing, but coloring is another. Now, I didn't totally redesign anything major (except Jake's entire look); this redesigning I mentioned only focused on the characters' attire since they've been sporting boring ol' T-shirt and pants/skirt combo, so today I wanted to share the new looks on three characters:
From left to right: Danielle, Daisy, and Jake.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Colorized: National Best Friends Day

I said I was gonna go back and make this drawing look amazing, and I did!

Also, as a quick side note, I'll be taking down the cartoon drawing archive page for some time, as I'll soon be unable to update the page with upcoming drawings I'll be posting.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Hopping Medicine Box

I've got to start playing with animation, so I've created this animated gif of a box of medicine,  umm...running? Or hopping? Either way, it's a moving picture.
I've been meaning to mess around with animation for awhile now, and now that school's out, it's the perfect time to animate whatever and do whatever without worrying about attaching a silly story along with it.

I know it's a pretty crappy animated thing, but I've got to animate something, you know. I don't want to be super rusty.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Happy National Best Friends Day!

I know I'm a bit late to the party here, but today was National Best Friends Day, so I drew up a pair of really best friends I knew in about 10 minutes before midnight, so technically I posted this on the day of celebrating best friends.
I kind of like the drawing so I'll probably go over it again, make it look good in color.
So again, happy happy BFF day.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Hair Conditioner

To be fair, "hair" and "air" sound similar. It's an honest mistake, really.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Taffic Source and Trippy Scrolling

Welp, sorry I couldn't help you there, buddy.

Photoshop is doing this thing that looks cool.

In a related sentence, more Austin and Jennifer episodes coming soon to my Tapastic page.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A&J in Photoshop: Part 2

Hell to the yeah, boy! I went back to remaster the upcoming comic for Austin and Jennifer, and it came out amazing!! I reduced the pen size and took the original colors from Flash and now I got a much better looking product!

Here it is before, in its crappy, ugly state:

And here it is after, in its glorious beauty!

Look forward to more episode of Austin and Jennifer coming soon on my Tapastic page!