Saturday, November 26, 2016

Whiteboard Doodles

Here's some neat doodles I've done on a whiteboard in class

Monday, November 21, 2016

Inktober Drawings: Part 3/3

The final set of the inklings
Did you even try and attempt to guess the topics for each drawing?

I'm ashamed of you. Really, I am.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Inktober Drawings: Part 2/3

Even more!
Did you guess last post's topics? Did you even try to guess?
...did you even attempt?

*sigh* Well, will you try this time?

Monday, November 14, 2016

Inktober Drawings: Part 1/3

I wanted to do all 31 days of Inktober, but school (as usual) got in the way.
So here's the first wave of ink drawings:
I did such a small number of these drawings for Inktober, so I'm gonna spread 'em out in three posts, because I can.
Can you guess what each drawing's topic is?

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Rockin' Out!

Here's another Marilyn drawing, but of her doin' what she loves: playing music!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Small Doodle/Poland Popularity

Here's a quick little doodle I did of my storyboard teacher awhile ago.

In an unrelated note, I've noticed how the blog recently got a surge of 120 views...from Poland. Don't believe me?
What did I do to please the Polish people? Probably the peculiar chance that I became popular with the Polish people? Probably not. Most likely not.

In any case, Dziękuję Polska!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

One Threatening Fella

Seems like he's not the kind of guy you should cross paths with.