Monday, December 31, 2018

Last Post of 2018

I feel pretty bad that this year was the least active year for the blog with the least amount of posts made. Welp, it is what it it. I ran out of 2018 to do anything about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

For next year, I don't want to make any promises because then I'll be disappointed if things don't turn out the way I hoped. I will, of course, have goals I'd want to complete but I'll keep those to myself. I know for sure I want put together an online portfolio, make/finish a comic book, and create animated videos.

Aww shoot, I said I wouldn't say what my goals and I just spilled the beans. Dang it.

See ya 2018! Bring on 2019!

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Nevadri Redesigning Process - Part 1

Before I started the fall 2018 semester, I was working on redrawing the updating the "Class of 2422" character line-up. With school and dumb work getting in the way, that process slowed down incredibly.

The one character I was working on at the time school/work started was the alien character named Nevadri. He was in a limbo state because of everything goin' on.
Once I started to pick him up and experiment with his character, personality, and design, I found that I couldn't stop drawing this E.T.! He ended up being a ton of fun to draw/explore!

Here's some pages of doodles and exploration!
I wanted to create a more appealing, easy-to-draw design than its current state, so here you can see the different design paths I was playing with.
I was really digging the design where he had two antennas in his head, but I figured that might have resembled Plankton's character from the show Spongebob.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Inktober 2018 - Clock & Weak

I have a few more left to show!
These next two are for "clock" and "weak" respectively!
This comes to no surprise since my love for the Back to the Future films should be a well-known fact around here.
I struggled with this topic, but I concluded with a small little robot trying to pull a sword from the stone. Guess it wasn't programmed with the sword's worthiness? Don't give up little bot!

The next few Inktober drawings will be posted later on since I still need to ink a couple more and post them on my Instagram page. If you want to see them before they're posted here, follow my personal IG account over at @animatedslacker!

Friday, December 28, 2018

Inktober 2018 - Whale & Guarded

I really love how these next two drawings came out!
I wanted to do something different for the "whale" topic since everyone at the time was drawing a whale, but I wanted to create a whale-like kind of character. I think the result speaks for itself:

This second one for the "guarded" topic is one of my favorites because of the small history behind it. I had a project for a class several years ago where we had to design a character and I created a beefy bulky security guard. I never really liked any of the iterations and the submitted design for the project, so I decided to redo it for the topic and I've got to say: I really like this design!
Ain't it neat? Also, this design kinda reminds of the Kingpin character from that new Spiderman animated movie.

If you guys haven't seen "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse," THEN GO SEE IT! IT'S SO DAMN GOOD AND VISUALLY YUMMY! See it now.

N O W.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Inktober 2018 - Flowing & Cruel

Two more Inktober drawings this post!
Here's the drawing for the "flowing" topic!
A lot of girls are big chatterboxes, but you'd agree with me when I say that Sally is the Queen of the Chatterboxes. Words just endlessly flow out of her!

The drawing for the "cruel" topic is the very first drawing for a story concept I've been toying around with lately
It's in its early stages, but the idea for the villain is someone who've lost all sense of their humanity and are solely driven by the pursuit of, well, I can't say; mainly because I'm still trying to figure that out.

Pretty weird juxtaposition for these two themes/drawings, eh?

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas!

Characters from my "Propinquity" and "Class of 2422" series always have all the fun to rep themselves in these holiday drawings. This year, I decided it'd be best to inject some EVIL into the holidays! Ha ha ha!
I hope to show off more of the "Mr. Ridiculous" project next year!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Inktober 2018 - Precious

This next drawing for Inktober is centered around the topic of "precious," and I think nothing fits better than Sally's thoughts towards her best friend, Mandy.
Sally loves all her friends, but none more than Mandy. I don't think Mandy can reciprocate...

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Inktober 2018 - Star

It's safe to say that I wasn't able to fully complete this year's Inktober challenge. Damn you work and my crappy time management!

However, I do have a back catalog of Inktober drawings I haven't posted on here yet, be sure to look out for that.

For now, here's the drawing for the "star" topic:
It's easy to see why Marilyn's practically a celebrity at her school since she's popular, talented, and bubbly.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween 2018!

Another Halloween, another drawing of Marilyn for the spooky holidays!
Happy Halloween everybody!

Friday, October 26, 2018

Inktober 2018 - Drooling & Exhausted

I'm going for a two-fer today!

Here's the drawing for "drooling"
Definitely my least favorite drawing this month. It didn't come out as good as I wanted too. This kind of ties in to the next drawing, almost as a narrative in a way.

Here's my "exhausted" drawing
Funny enough, this one is one of my favorite drawings for this month! It's very polarizing to show off my least favorite and most favorite drawings in one post.
These two go together well in a way because I see it like this: the first drawing is me sleeping peacefully, then the second is me shortly after at work doing my 9am shift.

Work has been brutal with their "billion hours a week" bit while I try to do my school stuff at the same time, but I guess that's how fast food goes. At least I can save up to finally buy a Cintiq soon! Hopefully sometime in November!

Thursday, October 25, 2018


Seems like the mysterious Illuminati aliens have seen that previous post I made and have made their response well known lol

Whoever you are, thanks a ton for your viewership! Every now and again, I like to point out viewership from interesting parts of the worlds! And seeing this is from an unknown location, it's definitely the most interesting source of views, especially since their views jumped after I made the previous post lmao

...or maybe these are just bots.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Inktober 2018 - Chicken

I've been very behind on posting my Inktober stuff on here and Twitter, AND on doing my Inktober in general. To make up for it, here's the drawing for the topic "chicken"
I'm not gonna lie, I'm obsessed with Nelly. I love this character!
I simply love the idea that she names her barn animal friends, with her favorite being Abigail the cow. I also enjoy the idea of a chicken being named Melody.

Speaking of Nelly, I'm still working on redrawing the Class of 2422 line-up, though it's been going very slow. Ya know, school and work and stuff.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Inktober 2018: Spell

Spells! Magic! Wizardry!

At least that's the path I went with for the topic "spell." For this, I drew up the only dark magic-welding character I've created, Mandy.
I really like how this one came out!
Since I've been really busy with school, schoolwork, and work lately, I'm using Inktober as an excuse to draw my characters. It's a nice break from things, though I'm really behind in the topics. I'm trying to catch up!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018




Or maybe someone is using a VPN or something.

aNd ThEy'Re AlIeNs In SpAcE?!!!!1!!1

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Inktober 2018: Roasted

The third topic for this year is "roasted!"

Initially I wanted to do something related to roasting (in terms of making a sick burn to someone, like a witty comeback) but I didn't know how to execute that idea so I went with this cutesy idea of a jack o' lantern roasting a marshmallow over himself since jack o' lanterns usually have a small candle inside of them. 
Simple idea, but I thought it was a neat drawing.

I just remembered I never finished with redrawing/coloring my favorite Inktober drawings from LAST year! Ahh geez...

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Another October, Another Inktober

Last year, I went and completed a full month of Inktober. This year, I'm doing it again!

I'll be following the official Inktober prompt, just like last year, and I'll make an effort to post the daily drawings on this blog to bring some life around here.

I'm a bit late for the first two days, but better late than never I suppose!

Here's "poisonous" and "tranquil"
I couldn't stop thinking about "Emperor's New Groove" for poisonous since they tried to poison Kuzco at the beginning of the film.
This was perfect timing since that day (or the day before) I was so deep into my peaceful sleep that I didn't even hear my alarm ringing; I woke up really late for class. Good times.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Co22 Line-Up Peek

I swear I'm still alive!

Lately, doing school work and holding down a job have been taking up a ton of my time. Because of that, I haven't had much time to work on my own content.

For now, I'll post a small sneak peek of the Class of 2422 line-up.
I'm sure you've met Kate before, right?

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Flag Design Contest

So now that the contest is over, I figured it's time to formally post what I submitted.

In March earlier this year, the city of Anaheim (my home city) opened up a contest to design a new look for our current city flag (at the time.) It has to be full of symbolism and look pretty and follow some design guidelines and yadda yadda yadda. We were allowed to submit multiple designs, and then an internal subcommittee would review and choose the winning design. By the time the deadline came around in April, over 100 submissions were sent.

Unfortunately, none of my designs did not win BUT the one below did make it as a first round finalist:
I guess being a first round finalist isn't that bad. That's the farthest any piece of art I've created for any contest has gotten me, so I'll take it.

Below are different color iterations I submitted that I personally like myself:
This whole contest thing was a fun side project anyways. I was a nice getaway from the busy school assignments I was drowning in at the time this was running.

Friday, August 24, 2018

A Picture with Ma

Here's a picture of Nelly with her Ma.
Whenever I think about Nelly and her life on the farm, I can never seem to imagine Nelly's mother in any scene or situation; things seem to work out pretty well when it's just her and her father.

It's kinda like asking the question "Where's Andy's dad in Toy Story?"
They're just not there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Friday, August 17, 2018

Kate-T3 Doodles

Here's some selected sketches and doodles of Kate-T3 that I drew a couple weeks ago
This was back when I was refining her design and furthering her character.

I found there's like a million different paths I can go down when it comes to working on her personality and interactions with other characters. It all stems from the fact that she's a walking talking self-capable android robot.
It was a lot of fun exploring all the possible ways I can push her character through, but I think that the path I decided on would make her really interesting.

I realized early on that Kate really didn't have a personality that made her interesting as a whole, which was frustrating to figure out initially. Hopefully these sketches gives an interesting small peek at the kind of character she will be in the series.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

A Lot More Writing

Lately, I've been doing a lot more writing and typing rather than drawing.

Besides the editing/rewriting process for the Propinquity pilot script, I've also been writing out a sort of history and important details about the creation and development of android robots in the world of Class of 2422.

I'll try to post something visual soon.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Stupid City Folks

I'm here to post another thing to break the radio silence! I hate to keep this blog quiet for more than a week.

Here's a small doodle of Nelly expressing her hate of people who live in the city, which she got from her pa.
I'm currently giving her the attention to develop her character/design further!

I also just finished editing the Propinquity pilot episode script into its fifth draft! It came out pretty well this time around!

Monday, July 30, 2018

Tech Anger

Hello! Sorry about the radio silence lately!
I'm still working on things behind the scenes; currently I'm working to start the redraw for the Class of 2422 character line-up.

I've also obtained Adobe Animate 2018 recently again! I say "again" because the last time I got it, it constantly froze and lagged and crashed etc.; it was a freakin' nightmare! I was so pissed off, I threw my drawing tablet and broke it in the process!
This whole thing was several months ago, and I've learned to be more careful and calmer with these things (kinda.) 

Seems like Animate 2018 is working perfectly fine this time around, but I'm still incredibly suspicious about it. We'll have to see about it once I start another animated video project.

In the meantime, I created this short rough animation of some angry fellow throwing what appears to be a drawing tablet in anger with Animate. Huh, this seems familiar...
I guess my expectation with technology is way too high.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Kate's Human Assistance

Lately, my focus shifted from developing Mr. Ridiculous to character development for Class of 2422. I guess I can't help but leave the one character line-up image outdated mixed with two other recently updated line-ups ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'll get back to the Mr. Ridiculous idea once I'm done with the Class of 2422 characters.

For now, the first character I decided I wanted to work on is the gynoid Kate-T3! I've been drawing a lot of Katie lately, and I decided to digitally draw/color this one sketch I did of her, which is shown here below:
I've been really into thinking about all the possible problems, situations, ethics, and issues that could arise for both humans and future androids once walking, talking, self-thinking android robots becomes a reality.

Sometimes I also wonder where I can get a job as a futurist.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Character Dev Pages - Fish Hooks

Heyo! Apologizes for the quiet atmosphere lately.
I've been hit with the sick, and have been feeling a bit unmotivated and lazy lately with my stuff, but I'm trying to kick myself into high gear, so bear with me!

Lately I've been putting in some time with the Mr. Ridiculous idea and was investing time into developing one of his literal partners in crime, Fish Hooks.

Below are some sketches:
I've been working on her character design and her back story since this character seems really mysterious to me. Who is she? What's her real identity? Why is she doing what she's doing?

A lot of questions I already the answer to (for the most part)
I really enjoy her character and hope to share more of her soon!

Saturday, July 7, 2018

A Ridiculous Expression Page

Here's a ridiculous page of ridiculous expressions of Mr. Ridiculous.
Lately, I've been really hooked with developing the Mr. Ridiculous idea/characters. Some really cool progress has been made behind the scenes! Hopefully I'll be ready to show 'em off soon! I've got to start a character line-up page for these characters!

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Supercalifragil- whatever Animation Test

Alright, I just recently finished June's monthly animation practice! This short animation test footage deals with practicing lip syncing and a bit of puppet animation.
It's a one take voice clip of my floating head trying to pronounce supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Twitch Emotes Commission

Not too long ago, a friend of mine commissioned me to create a small set of emotes for his Twitch channel. Seems like his audience/chat really enjoy spamming the hell out of 'em!
If you're curious, you ought to go check out his Twitch channel and see these emotes flood the chat! If you scroll down further enough, you'll see me advertised on his channel.

I also created his new profile picture and banner by the way!

Sunday, June 24, 2018

A Rockin' Marilyn Sketch

Hey! I just wanted to share this little sketch I did of Marilyn!
I really love how this one came out! Maybe I'll create a more finished illustration out of it.

This came from a Photoshop file I have that's dedicated to sketches and various doodles of Marilyn. I have several different sketch files for each character I've ever created; I've always thought about posting pages from those files one day.

Oh well, guess we'll have to wait for that day to come ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Friday, June 22, 2018

Turning 22 on the 22nd!

Hello! Seems like today is certain day that a certain somebody turns a certain year older on a certain day! It's my birthday today!
Here's a drawing I drew up to mark the occasion!
I though about trying out a new style for today's drawing!
I actually have a another version of this drawing where it's drawn in my usual cartoon style, but when I posted a poll on my Instagram page asking viewers if they like style A (my usual style) or style B (the style you see here), there was overwhelming support for style B!

So that's what you see here!

Also, I feel that today is a rare special day today since the age I'm turning into matches the date of my birth date (the 22nd), hence the whole "turning-22-on-the-22nd" bit.

As a fun bonus, this drawing here is 2222 x 2222 and was posted on 2:22 PM!

Monday, June 18, 2018

Updated Austin & Jennifer Line-Up

Welp, it's done! For two characters, it took a pretty long time to update the line-up; I blame school. Take a look at the updated line-up below!
They may not look too different than the last time, but I guarantee you that I've spend a considerable amount of time with adjustments, including a small change in Austin's hair and the inclusion of more freckles on Jenny.

Besides the minor changes in outward appearances, I've also further fleshed out the twos' personalities, interests, and their clashing nature with each other.
I've really considered rebooting the comic series (for like a third or fourth time) to really show off these two in their daily lives, bickering, and more.
I really ought to do more comics for my characters.

Also, I've gone ahead and redesigned the logo as well! I made sure that the logo is very reflective of the Austin and Jennifer's ever clashing interests and personalities.

Overall, I really enjoy the outcome of this line-up's update! I really hope to show off these two in action in comic strip form again one day!

Now that I'm done with these two, I'm torn between moving to updating "Class of 2422's" character line-up or going full steam with developing "Mr. Ridiculous..."

Monday, June 11, 2018

Aust & Jen Line-Up Progress

I recently finished updating Austin for the line-up! Here's a side-by-side comparison:
The left is the older one while the right is the newer. There may not be much of a difference between the two, but the newer one is better drawn and more up-to-date, along with minor changes to the design.

At this point, I'm halfway done with the line-up (since it is only two characters after all.) I've also started with redesigning the logo for this series as well; I'm hoping to have everything all done by the end of this week.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Someone in MY Animal Crossing?!

Hmmmm, this girl in my Animal Crossing town looks kinda familiar...
She looks pretty familiar...

Monday, June 4, 2018

A Drawing of Jenny Drawing

Hey-ho! Oh boy! I've been gone for the entire month of May, haven't I?

Sorry about that! I'm myself surprised by how long I've left this blog inactive!
Anyways, here's something to make up for all that! A drawing of Jenny drawing!
I have been completed booked with school work during May! Because of that, I didn't do any sort of drawings for my own personal content to post here on the blog, and on my own personal Instagram account.

After this semester ended, I totally kicked back and vegged out for about a week. I recently started to kick myself back into doing stuff, and started by finishing the drawing above. It was 99% completed, so it was a good start to make myself productive again.

I'll definitely push myself to produce content to make up for that month of absence!