Friday, October 26, 2018

Inktober 2018 - Drooling & Exhausted

I'm going for a two-fer today!

Here's the drawing for "drooling"
Definitely my least favorite drawing this month. It didn't come out as good as I wanted too. This kind of ties in to the next drawing, almost as a narrative in a way.

Here's my "exhausted" drawing
Funny enough, this one is one of my favorite drawings for this month! It's very polarizing to show off my least favorite and most favorite drawings in one post.
These two go together well in a way because I see it like this: the first drawing is me sleeping peacefully, then the second is me shortly after at work doing my 9am shift.

Work has been brutal with their "billion hours a week" bit while I try to do my school stuff at the same time, but I guess that's how fast food goes. At least I can save up to finally buy a Cintiq soon! Hopefully sometime in November!