Saturday, September 26, 2015

One Page Narrative

For our first project in my Cartooning class, we had to do a sort of one panel that tells a story with little to no words, and that it had to be understood in a near instance at a glance.

Here's both the rough and the final for it:
Of course, I have different earlier versions of this with a way different set up, but I wanted to share these two for now.

Came out neat, didn't it?

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Filler Drawing

Sorry about the inactivity lately. School's been eating up a lot of my time, but behind the scenes I'm making time on working on a couple of small changes to some of my characters' outfits right now. So far it's going good.

I really don't have much to post at this point, so here's a drawing of a cutie.

*EDIT: Here's the redesigned version of said cutie:

Monday, September 14, 2015

Color Testing COMPLETE (almost, kinda)

Alright, so I finally finished the color testing process on most of my characters!

...kinda. I say kinda because I know I'll eventually go back in and make unnoticeable color tweaks to some of these characters if I feel the need to change something, but for the most part (like 99% of the part), this is basically what I exactly wanted these characters to look like in color. So here's the completed set!
Now here's the the second part of the completed color testing:
The notable difference is that the second character to the left is wearing an alternate outfit, her cheerleading outfit. She's the only character so far that doesn't stick to just one outfit.

Also, the cheerleading outfit for the girl at the second to the right is still being worked on, and Danielle's undergoing a slight outfit change too, so hopefully they'll be completed very soon.

I truly am extremely happy to finally have set the color schemes for these characters. They're so beautiful in color! Especially grouped together this!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Color Testing 2

Very slight changes in design and color were made.
More characters are added to the color testing line-up!
It's no one new, but they're new to color testing!

As always, the designs and coloring of these characters aren't set in stone yet.

*Note: This post was created a long time ago and I didn't bother to post it until now. The color testing process is now finished. I'll post that like in a day or two.