Wednesday, March 17, 2021

January Animation Practice - Tennis Ball Storm

Whoa! Another late arrival! We finally have 2021's first animation practice starting with January, even though it's currently March. What can I say? It arrived late with style!
Lately I've been pretty bogged down with life-related nonsense, so I haven't been doing a good job at keeping up with the animation stuff lately. Because of that, I had to cut off a ton of what I wanted to animate in this one in order to get this done and posted. Included with the animation, I wanted to throw in some character design sketches and its original storyboard!
As mentioned before, I wanted to try and be more experiential with the monthly animations this year, which means I'll set out to animate different cartoon styles, use different animation techniques or processes, use different animation programs, and other such things. I'm aware that I stayed in a sort of comfort zone during 2020, and I want to try and change that.

Initially for this animation, not only did I wanted it to be longer than what the finished result ended up being, but I also wanted to experiment with using Google's Song Maker to do some sound effect work for this animation.
I also wasn't intending to bring this animation to a finished look as well; since I intended this year to try different things, I wanted to not aim for making a polished-looking product, leaving animations looking rough instead for this year.
I only brought this to a finished look because I didn't want to deliver an unfinished-looking animation after a two month tardy for January's animation.

All in all, this was fun. I liked the character design and style in this one. I'll be sure to start on February's animation asap so I don't fall too behind.