Sunday, January 27, 2019

Class of 2422 Logo Redesign

Since all I need to redraw for the Class of 2422 character line-up are Robert and Marilyn, I decided to start the process of redesigning the logo for the series. I was really happy with how it came out when I first completed it about two years ago, but looking at it now I think it's time for an update.

This time around, I want to really capture the Googie/atomic age look for the project's logo; below is a digital sketch page of a bunch of different design ideas I threw out from looking at a ton of reference pictures:
I'm really digging the sketches I have here so far. Part of the battle is to figure out the typography, which was something I struggled with the first time around. I'm hoping I won't have a tough time with it this time, but we'll have to wait and see; as of now, I want to figure out the actual look I want for the logo before diving into the typography of it all.

Also, this upcoming week I'll be starting school again so this blog might go into another period of silence (it doesn't help that I also have a dumb job), but as usual I'll strive to post any updates on my projects.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Ted Sketches and Exploration

Hey! Sorry about that absence!

While I was gone from the blog, I finished up the redesigning process for Nevadri and started up the reworking process for Ted AND finished that too. Right now I started exploring with Robert's character.

For Ted's character, I made him wheelchair-bound during the exploration process and that made his character and arc way more interesting than how it was before. Because of that, that shifted his personality/world-view of things towards somewhere more interesting, I think.

Below are some sketch pages I've done of Ted during the process:
You'll notice that not only I put him in a wheelchair, but I also added colorblindness to the mix. Initially, Ted was a character that explored the idea of Transhumanism, or the idea of using technology to better the human body and surpass what natural evolution can bring to better the human condition. Ted never really had a real reason to undergo a transform other than "it's the future! We have the technology to do so!"
Somewhere in there, I knew it was a bland and boring motivation to put a character through such a transformation with a basic motivation. It wasn't until I gave him disabilities that made the motive (and his personality) to change for the better.

It's nice to see where Ted ended up as a character these past several years. He went through major changes and revisions over the years, but I think I finally him in a spot where he's interesting as a character.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Propinquity Logo Adjustments

While I've been figuring out Ted's design and personality, I've done a side project of redoing "Propinquity's" logo. Here's the previous design:
I wanted the logo to look more like my handwriting for the redesign. I mean how it was before was already done in my handwriting, but I wanted it to look more organic and more to how I really write with pencil and paper. Here's the updated design!
Looks way more natural-looking, eh? I might do some small little adjustments here and there after posting this, but overall I think I've captured a more looser, natural look to my handwriting rather than the previous one.

The previous one is actually based off of a font I created with my own handwriting, but I've been looking to redo the font for the same reasons why I redid the Propinquity logo.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Hello Again 2019!

It's already January 3rd, 2019 and I've managed to start off the year right by buying myself brand new Wacom Cintiq Pro 24! It is totally amazing! It is the biggest purchase I've ever made and it's worth it! Honestly, it feels like a dream!

The first thing I did with it was finish off that New Year 2019 drawing I posted a couple days ago to ring in the new year. Here it is in its completed state!
It's nice to see the Mr. Ridiculous project join alongside the Propinquity and Class of 2422 story projects! We'll definitely see more of Mr. Ridiculous and his crew this year! I hope that by next year, I'll show off other story projects that I've been working on behind the scene!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Nevadri Redesigning Process - Part 2

Here's more exploration pages for Nevadri!

Around this point is where I found a shape/design I was really enjoying. I liked the body shape that was resembling more of a bowling pin, or a penguin; it gives the character more of a friendly vibe in my opinion. After all, he comes in peace!

Even though the design is set at this point, I'm still trying to figure out his personality, end goals, and arc that he will contribute in the overall story in the series. I'm satisfied with the end result with Ned's design overall.

Time to move on to Ted!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Hello 2019!

Happy New Year everyone!!!

I was working on a piece for this day, but I ran out of 2018 to finish it so here it is in its rough, incompleted state:
I'll get back and finish this...some time this year.
I hope to actually get things done this year. Really gotta kick myself in high gear to do stuff.