Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Propinquity Logo Adjustments

While I've been figuring out Ted's design and personality, I've done a side project of redoing "Propinquity's" logo. Here's the previous design:
I wanted the logo to look more like my handwriting for the redesign. I mean how it was before was already done in my handwriting, but I wanted it to look more organic and more to how I really write with pencil and paper. Here's the updated design!
Looks way more natural-looking, eh? I might do some small little adjustments here and there after posting this, but overall I think I've captured a more looser, natural look to my handwriting rather than the previous one.

The previous one is actually based off of a font I created with my own handwriting, but I've been looking to redo the font for the same reasons why I redid the Propinquity logo.