Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Ted Sketches and Exploration

Hey! Sorry about that absence!

While I was gone from the blog, I finished up the redesigning process for Nevadri and started up the reworking process for Ted AND finished that too. Right now I started exploring with Robert's character.

For Ted's character, I made him wheelchair-bound during the exploration process and that made his character and arc way more interesting than how it was before. Because of that, that shifted his personality/world-view of things towards somewhere more interesting, I think.

Below are some sketch pages I've done of Ted during the process:
You'll notice that not only I put him in a wheelchair, but I also added colorblindness to the mix. Initially, Ted was a character that explored the idea of Transhumanism, or the idea of using technology to better the human body and surpass what natural evolution can bring to better the human condition. Ted never really had a real reason to undergo a transform other than "it's the future! We have the technology to do so!"
Somewhere in there, I knew it was a bland and boring motivation to put a character through such a transformation with a basic motivation. It wasn't until I gave him disabilities that made the motive (and his personality) to change for the better.

It's nice to see where Ted ended up as a character these past several years. He went through major changes and revisions over the years, but I think I finally him in a spot where he's interesting as a character.