Wednesday, September 1, 2021

April Animation Practice - Interrogation

Hey! So good news! I got myself a new laptop, which means I can continue with my digital art and animation shenanigans!

And with that, comes gooder news! I finally finished April's animation! I can't believe how slow and stubborn I was to finish this one! Of course, it's not in a completely polished state, and I was very close to publishing it in an incomplete state early on, but I found a groove with the animation and was determin
ed to finish it in a more presentable state, hence why it took forever to post it. But it's here!

The main focus with this animation was animating with video reference. I didn't trace from my recorded footage; it was just all about referencing the acting, movement, and timing.
Here's the animation:
The part that took waaaaaaay too much time to animate was the part where the bad guy walks towards the tied-up guy in the foreground. Ugh, what a headache, but I like the end result.

And of course, how can I say I recorded video reference and NOT post it along side the animation? Here's the video of me acting it out! This was recorded before I did any animation.
I recorded about 12 takes before choosing take 11 as the primary reference for the animation. What do you think? Do you think I can fare as an actor? Ha ha ha ha, probably not.

Geez, I can't believe I'm about 4 months behind for animations! The next few animations are going to be extremely short or simple looping animations for the sake of catching up. Of course, with this year's theme of being experimental, I'm going to make sure that the upcoming shorter animations will be something different for me to produce.

Look forward to that!