Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Another Year, Another Round!

We've reached the end of the year!
This year was pretty crazy for me considering that I went from high school to college in the same year!

I'm also pretty proud of the fact that I was able to finally post pictures of drawings and comic strips from my sketchbook! I've been wanting to do that for a long time, even before I started up this blog! On top of that, I was able to introduce a good amount of characters I've created, so that's probably a start on being able to share other ideas I've been working on for some time, and another plus was that I managed to finish and start another sketchbook this year, which is exciting on my part!
I still have a lot more pictures of several drawings and comic strips I've taken from my last and current sketchbook, so they'll still be coming through into the new year.

I hope you readers (whoever you guys are) had a great 2014 as well, and look forward for what 2015 has in store for you and me!
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
...just for fun, here's last year's last post of the year. See ya in 2015!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Verified Online

I'm not on Twitter, but I've noticed how some people are pretty needy about being verified on Twitter. I don't see why they have that want, but of course good ole' me has poked fun on that.
Speaking of Twitter, I have a friend who thinks that I'll probably eventually join it sooner or later. He might be right, but I doubt it.

You know who you are.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Santa Socks

The merriest of the year holiday is approaching, so I have something Christmasy-ish in store to post out!
In case you can't tell, he's blushing. Sometimes people can't tell, so I have to usually clear it out to anyone who asks. Sorry if it was already obvious; I guess it was kind of a force of habit. Heh heh heh...

For the longest time, I've always wondered if you can wear those Christmas stockings and use them like legitimate socks. I haven't tried doing that yet, but it sounds like a fun thing to do if you're ever bored around the holidays.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Attack on Gingerbread

A new animated video was posted today!
And just for the record, no I don't watch the anime. Heck, I don't even watch anime in general.

This was a pretty fun video to create, since the whole idea and concept was so damn childish, but it did wield great results at the end.
Sadly, if you can notice it, there appears to be these squared areas that render the background colors lighter than usual. Taking these off would result in removing the blurred objects in the scene, which are objects I wanted to be blurred, so I decided to keep them in there. I hope that isn't too distracting though.

This whole bit took me about two days to create, but that's probably since there wasn't much to animate in this one. At least it's a colorful video.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Well would you look at that?

Surprise! Another video is in the works!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

I Drew My Professor

And not just any professor!
My math professor! I become bored very easily in that class, so sometimes I draw on the notes he would have us print out.
It went to the point where I decided to draw my math professor, and I am pretty proud of the result! I have a lot of other drawings in my math notes, but I'm especially proud of this one.

I know that the semester is over and all at this point, but hey this is quality work (in my eyes.)

Saturday, December 13, 2014

My Art Final: From Start to Finish

Alright, so at this point, the semester's pretty much done and now I'm finally free!


For the entire week of this last week, I was working on my art final project, which we had to recreate an image or photo on an illustration board and draw an object along with the picture. The drawing with the object is suppose to represent a memory or event or something around those lines, so for the final, I chose to do a photo I took not too long ago:
It's been cropped a bit, so that explains any pixelation that might be spotted in the photo. Along with this, I chose to draw a bike patch kit with the photo. What story is suppose to be told here? Tune in to find out, only on the Doji Pocket Channel, weeknights at 6/7c!

Monday, December 8, 2014

3D Printing An Essay

I thought I had already uploaded this onto the blog, but I guess not!
It made it on my deviantart page, but not here apparently.
We've all had to print essays before, right? Imagine sending an essay to a 3D printer instead of a regular printer. How screwed would you be?

I figure that since this is the last week of the semester and everyone's going nuts with studying and typing up a storm for their essays, this is a good week to present this.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Featuring...Someone Else's Comic!

I have a friend, who is also as interested in cartoons, animation, and all the good stuff, that had to do an essay for his English class. He decided that along with his essay, he was going to create a comic strip that went along with his topic featuring his own original characters.
Knowing that I have several years of writing comic strips under the belt, he asked me if I could assist him at making the dialogue funnier since that, and I quote, "I'm awful at comedy." (Which that line alone made me laugh) Basically, if I can help him improve the written aspect of the comic.

After looking it through, he took the suggestions I gave him and went ahead at drew up the comic! Here's the final product!
I love how it resulted at the end, so I asked if I can show it off here. So now I'm showing his work off here!

The artwork and dialogue was all created by Alex Almario, with some assistance on the dialogue from me.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

North Cali VS South Cali

In time for the arrival of December, southern California have recently began experiencing rain, which is nice for a change. The fact that it started to rain at the beginning of this month has inspired me to doodle up this bit on the difference between the arrival of the holidays between northern California and southern California.
Of course, rain doesn't only happen around this time of year around here, but it seemed like it came with good timing for this little joke to come to life.
And apparently, thanks to someone's correction of my assumptions, it doesn't snow as much in Northern California as I thought it did around this time of the year.

I learn something new every day!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Warding Off Spirits

I posted this one on my tumblr and Deviantart page on Halloween. I know that at this point it's pretty late, but I still think it's funny no matter what time of the year it is.
I put this one off since I wasn't ready to introduce Daisy on my blog at the time, but here I give an in-depth explanation/description of what I post; it's all mainly one liners on stuff outside the blog, so it's always a good idea to follow this page more than my other pages.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Opposite Sides

With the hype for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U this month, I completely forgot about the fact that Thanksgiving was coming up. That made me realize that the spirit of this month could have been split between these two exciting events of this holiday, so I figure this drawing could nicely sum up this month.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Character Designings

Here's just some random character designs I created that I'd like to share.
For the longest time, I've felt like I should try to expand the boundaries on what kinds of appearances and character designs I could make with my style of drawing characters. I've always reused the same (but tweaked) hairstyle for several characters, and the clothing attire would be the same for almost every character.

As seen above, the female looks like some sort of freelance journalist, and the dude appears to be some kind of rock star. I'm not sure if I'll use these characters, but I have a habit of immediately turning any old character into someone with meaning.

(I just realized I screwed up on the dude's torso, since I drew it in a way that his body is really short compared to his legs. Oh well!)

Friday, November 14, 2014

A Very Boring Summer

Another day, another drawing! Over my summer vacation (mainly around late July, early August), I was just completely dead from boredom. I started thinking about if this "summer vacation" thing was a way for schools to bore their students into wishing they were back at school, and then I drew this.
Alright, so another drawing also means more unknown characters to introduce! Goody!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sketchpad Doodles

Not too long ago, I started carrying around a small sketchpad.
Unlike my regular sketchbook, it won't contain comic strips or drawing that have a joke or anything in that nature. It will simply have drawings of cartoons and other things that I've drawn out whenever I'm bored or have the time.
Here's a page I'd like to share:
It's one of my favorite pages so far, but that's probably because I don't have much yet.
The top drawing is some design for a typical grandmother that I thought up of, while the bottom drawing is the redesigned appearance of a character I created a while ago named Sally, but that's kind of obvious since I wrote that on there, heh heh heh.

I try not to go back and redesign appearances of any character that I've been working on for a really long time, but it kind of had to be done in this case because her original appearance was very similar to Danielle's appearance and that since this character has a "peppy" kind of personality, the original appearance in my opinion didn't seem to reflect that personality.
Now it does, doesn't it?

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Dreams. They Live.

Just some character I remember seeing in a dream several nights ago.
Hell, I even remember that the dream I had with him in it had an interesting story to it. Of course, it wouldn't make sense if I explained right here, right now.

I really love it when I wake up one morning (or afternoon) and I remember the dream, a character, or both. The brain works its weird magic in the night.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Swedish Food

Ever been to Ikea? Ever noticed that a lot of the food they sell is mainly meatballs, pasta, or cinnamon rolls?
In case you don't know that Ikea is, it's a Swedish furniture store.
At the end of the store, there's always this little place where they sell ice cream, pizza, hot dogs, and cinnamon rolls before you exit the store.
It sparked a funny thought which ended up in this drawing.
Another opportunity to introduce another character!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Regarding an Older Post...

The stats for the blog seem to show favor for a post I created back in my junior year of high school titled "Of Mice and Men Alternate Ending."

I have no idea why this post seem to show a high amount of views, but I'm just going to put out a warning right now that the link to the document I shared on that post will be removed by around Friday of this week.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Summoning Bloody Mary (Happy Halloween!)

Halloween's practically here, and I still don't have a damn costume set. It sucks considering Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Oh well, here's a comic strip I wrote last week-ish.
Well technically, he did nothing wrong here.

Happy Halloween everyone!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Drawn to the Kitchen!

At around 2AM on October 21, I managed to complete the drawing of the kitchen that we had to do for art. The result very much pleased me! I have to say (again) that I surprised myself at how amazing the drawing came out to be! I didn't expect it to gain such a favorable view to my eyes.
Again, I apologize if the quality isn't exact crystal clear HD, but it does give a good view of the entire drawing. Pretty neat, huh?

Thursday, October 23, 2014

It Makes No Sense, But It Happens

It really doesn't. Hell, there should be no reason to rant about this, but since this has been bugging me for awhile now, I'm just gonna let it out. Let what out? Oh, it's nothing really. It's just that I always seem to rip off my own character designs.

Where's the problem with that? I mean after all, it's drawn in my cartoon drawing style after all and it is my character. My problem, in my personal opinion, is that I prefer that every single character I create should look very unique from each other. Like if I was going to draw every single character I've ever created in one drawing, I'd rather prefer not to seemingly draw the same character over and over in different variations.

I dunno, I just like to have variations in character design. This whole thing might be a stupid thing to talk about since this post is about me having a problem with ripping off my own character designs, but I hate to create something that looks recycled or duplicated.
When I picture the entire cast of any series I've create, I like to notice a presence of variety in hair style and clothing, but it's a bit of a bother to me when one character from one series is completely comparable to another character in a totally different series. It's an obvious fact that their personality will distinguish them from each other, but in this case I'm mainly focusing in appearance.

The only reason I bring this up is because I went ahead and created two new characters for a possible comic strip series to develop for my Tapastic profile, and the appearance of the male character already reminds me of another male character I've created a couple years ago. If anything, the real main problem here is that these characters are just brand new and don't really have a fully developed personality yet.

Huh, I guess I gotta go work on that then to see how it goes. It might be a bit weird how something like this is a problem for me, and how this post might of not made some sense, but hey I typed this all up at 2:23AM, so what do ya expect?

I am kind of a night owl.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Car Scents

Ahh, don't you just love the smell of car exhaust in the morning?
So like I've stated before, with the introduction of these pictures into play means you get to see more of my characters that I've created that's been around for awhile, but never really show up here. Now that I'm exposing a bit more, I can safely introduce several of my other long time characters. I won't go much into details though.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Better Than The Fridge!

Not too long ago, we had our first real assignment turned in for a grade in my art class. The assignment was to draw our hand holding an object, which was fairly simple. The trick here is that we had to draw every little detail on our hand and choice of object.
I turned it in, I was a little bit nervous, and then when it was time to collect our drawings back, it wasn't in the pile. It turns out that our art instructor chose some of those drawings to be placed in a display class in the hallway of our art building, and my drawing ended up on display!
I apologize if the image seems a bit on the "lower quality" side, but that's my drawing! I chose my good ol' reliable lead pencil as my choice of holding. I have to admit, I really surprised myself at how amazing the drawing came out!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Fantastic! I'm on Tapastic!

A friend from school referred me to this site, and after a short exploration of the site, I decided to join the site. I just joined, so I have nothing posted so far.

Check out my barren profile here or click on the link I've posted on the right side of the page. It's there too you know.

Expanding on this topic, I've been thinking on something...
This site seems like you can only create comic strip series, which is totally fine by me because I've been thinking about doing that. Back in elementary school, I've written a ton of crappy comic strip series, which at the time, can you really blame me? I was only a kid then!

Now that my skills are more developed, I can go right ahead and launch a brand new comic series. If I went ahead and did that though, the only question would remain: should I create an all new original series with new characters, or use already existing my characters?

I have no problem with going with either options, but it's something to think about. Before I can think on that however, the first question must be answered: Should I make a comic strip series?

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Screw Gaming!

Ahh, finally! The first real sketchbook drawing finally posted! I got a lot more coming in the way, so keep an eye out for 'em!
Now with my current sketchbook slowly being filled with new drawings and such, they might also be included with the mix of these "last book" drawings. These drawings aren't going to be posted in any particular order and will also be posted on my Deviantart, tumblr, and that Facebook page.

Monday, September 29, 2014

The World of Fictitious Companies

Probably the one thing I never mentioned around here is that when I develop these several-year-long projects or series, I tend to go way in-depth and create an entirely new culture of fictitious companies and products that allude to real life companies and products. Hell, I even go far enough and create a logo and a small back story/history for these companies and products. For example, the video game company Nintendo is known as "Tonendo" or something like any generic tech store, like Best Buy or Circuit City, is known as "TechSmart." These are just some of what I created, just to reveal a few.

I go out of my way to make sure that these names aren't already real companies or products, but of course, to my surprise some actually are.
An example would be a company name I created called "Digital Software," or "DigiWare" for short. This is suppose to be like the Apple in my world of cartoons, but it turns out it's actually real. Damn you Canadians! They're always one step ahead of everything!
Other examples are kind of obvious that they already exist, so like my version of Google's counterpart,, or my version of YouTube's counterpart,

Of course, I'm not secretly advertising these businesses.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Now On to the Drawings!

Alrighty then, so now that I've completed my third sketchbook, two things are going to happen. One, for obvious reasons, I'll be starting another sketchbook. The second thing is that now I'll finally be able to post those pictures of some of my favorite drawings and comic strips from the third book.
I've already accumulated a stock pile of numerous of share-worthy drawings, so hopefully posting all of them might take some time.

At this point in time, I'm still undecided whether to also post them on my tumblr and/or Deviantart page.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Almost Down with the Third Book

Like I've probably mentioned awhile ago, I'm very close to finishing up my current sketchbook. I can now confirm that I'm the last two pages of my sketchbook!
I'm not sure if I brought up the fact that this is my third sketchbook that I'll fully complete (besides saying so in the title).

My first sketchbook was just a regular ol' red notebook, which looks pretty beaten up as a matter of fact. That sketchbook lasted from around September 2009 to April 17, 2012.
The big deal about this one is that it's the first sketchbook that I've ever fully completed. I've tried to do that before, but it never really worked out, which also kind of explains why it took forever to fill out about 120 sheets. Something like this is definitely a personal treasure to me.

My second sketchbook looks just like my current one, except it looks older because it was an old sketchbook my dad had for awhile, but never used it. That one went from April 19, 2012 to May 8, 2013. The almost-completed current one dates from June 13, 2013, and it's expected to be completed before September ends.

As you probably noticed, after my first red sketchbook, I've gotten better at completing sketchbook faster, regardless of the fact that my current and last sketchbook have more than 120 pages.
It's pretty awesome to see the evolution of my drawing style and skill improve right before my eyes.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Nose Differences

Okay, so for the longest time, I always had a small worry in the back of my mind that someone will point out the fact that my characters, whether male or female, have some pretty big noses.
I mean of course, they're just cartoon characters, but I guess I felt that they kind of have some pretty wonky noses; that's just me. Now I hope you don't realize that after I just said all that.

Point is, I became bored in my math class, and I was doodling on my notes. One of these doodles, in particular, kind of scared me because I became curious on how my character Chris would look like with a normal nose. Let me point out that this isn't the first time I tried to draw him with a normal nose, but previous attempts came out pretty crappy.
But there's just something different this time that kind of freaked me out. Not like a horror movie kind of scare, but it was the feeling of "something's just not right." Check it:
I traced the "normal nose" drawing on Flash, so what you see is exactly how it came out when I drew it on my math notes.
I know it's probably the fact that I'm way used to the usual look of my character that causes me to be a little weirded out by a different look of my character, but damn dude! That's just hella weird! Like fo' reals! That biz ain't straight with wut I'm tryin' to put down, you know wat I'm sayin'?

Monday, September 15, 2014

Oh, the College Life

Welp, by the time I post this, some time would've gone by since my first day of college. (I pre-type a lot of my posts so I wouldn't have to force my thoughts out and that I'd always have something to post later on.)

What I figured out really quickly is that it really is a lot of work, that is, if you don't keep a pace with it all. For example, during the Labor Day weekend I decided to do all the homework that was assigned the week before, and let me tell you, it was a lot. It really did take a good chunk of my time.
I went from a ton of free time to a reduced amount of free time, which I'm not sure if I'll have some time to work on any animations. (I knew I should have taken the advantage of my time during my summer break!)

Anyways, I feel like I already have a good grasp on college, so now I'm just hoping that I won't crash and burn during the semester.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Third Thing

I've mentioned how I've been developing two series, but what I've kept to myself for awhile was that I was working on a third series in the shadows.
I never brought it up before because I was hardly developing it, and I was putting more focus on the other two. I don't have a name for this, but as a teaser let's give it the code name "I Created My Roommate."

This project was created around a year ago, so it's relatively new compared with the other two, which have like more than three years under the belt. What struck my interest in working on it again was 1) I wanted to work on something totally new and 2) the setting takes place at a college(sort of), so obviously now that I'm going to college, that series sparked an interest to me again.

Again, I wish I can discuss more on this, but I still have that fear of my ideas and designs being stolen online, so for now, I'm going to refrain from discussing more on the series.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Sketchbook Drawings Finally Going Online!

My new phone finally came it! It's a waaaaaaay better phone compared to my old phone.

With a better phone comes with a better camera. This time, I'm finally able to take really clear and high quality photos of my drawings from my sketchbook, so now I'm going to post sketchbook drawings more often.
Of course, they'll be posted on here, my tumblr, and my Deviantart page, but I'm going to try to post them here first before anywhere else since that's what I wanted to post on here for the longest time.
I already posted one picture on my tumblr and Deviantart, so I'll just bring that up here.
I've already taken a lot more pictures of several drawings and some comic strips to post here, and since these involve other characters, I think that will bring up the perfect opportunity to introduce my other characters as well.

Be on the look out for more drawings!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Finally, One Follower

I guess you can say I'm finally tumblr famous now.

Monday, September 1, 2014

An Alien Pony

I thought this was so hilarious that I wanted it to post it here!
As you can see, my cousin had requested such an "out there" request.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

An Untitled Post About "The Series that's been in Development for About Four Years"

Going back to the topic of "TSTBIDFAFY," I can't frickin' come up with frickin' title for it.

Four years I've been working on it, and I can't come up with a cool and simple title for it. I'm not even trying to title for it; my mind simply goes blank for a title for the series.
You know how I've mentioned before that I've also been working on a series that takes place in the future? That's been in the works for about two years, and THAT already has an official title. (See how jealous I am of my own work?)

For "TSTBIDFAFY," it was initially called "Summer Vacation" for about a few months. It was a perfect name since the series took place in summer vacation, and the series would end on the characters' last day of vacation.
However, for some reason I don't remember, I thought that it'd be a great idea to continue the series through the characters' last year of high school, ending on the day of their high school graduation. For that change though, it'd have to change the name since the name "Summer Vacation" wouldn't be a good suit for obvious reasons. I decided to scrap that name altogether and tried to think of a name that could fit the series, regardless of the differences in setting.
And so, here we are, still unnamed. These days, the two parts are simply called "Codename Summer Vacation" and "Codename Summer Vacation: School Starts," respectively.

I know, I know it would've been easier to call this unnamed series by those names instead of TSTBIDFAFY, but even I don't like those temporary names. Hopefully, the name of the title will appear in my noggin soon enough.

TSTBIDFAFY = "Tsss-bid-faf-fy"

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Evolution of a Character

I've come to realize two things:
1) Those times when I said that I don't put my characters through any modifications in appearance and personality were total lies, and
2) It's time that one of my characters to get a make-over. Again.

Of course, changes in appearance could be anything, from a very small detail to maybe changing someone's hairstyle completely, which is totally normal when a character is undergoing development. In my case, with the characters I've created for a series which has been in the works for over fours (which I jokingly call "The Series that's been in Development for About Four Years) are no different and are subject to undergo many changes in appearance and personalities.

I really wish I could name out which characters have undergone changes, but I still have the fear of my ideas and character designs being stolen. I hate to be very vague when I talk about my own stuff because I actually love to talk about what I've created and go in-depth with it. I really hope I get over it one day.

Well damn. What a waste of a potentially good post. Oh well, I'm just glad I got this topic out at least.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Oh, the Flares of our Cosmic Star!

I know I don't talk about it as much when it comes to a project that I've been developing that takes place in the future; it's one of the first things I've talked about (I think) when I first started this blog in December of 2012. 
I'm always on the hunt to creating episode ideas for this particular series, one of which is an episode where a huge sun flare destroys much of man's technologies, in which basically plunders humanity back into the Stone Age. Dramatic, right?
Now, I know I don't bring this up much, but I love science and technology! I love to learn about any new developments in the science and tech world, and it always fascinates me. When I came up with the idea for this episode, I actually had no idea that this kind of threat actually exists right now. The YouTube channel SciShow Space explains it pretty well.
I mean I do look to recent developments in science and technology for episode ideas for this series, but sometimes I figure out that these ideas are in fact one step closer to reality. It's pretty cool, but something like this, however can be a real threat in this age when technology plays such a huge role in our society.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Down Once More

Well what do ya know? I was able to finish the video yesterday, but it was late by the time I finished.

The video premiered on my Deviantart page, so the link to it will be placed right around here.
I love the work that was placed into it since I animated the walk, the reflection in the mirror, hid a funny pic or two, but for some reason, I seem to love how the pie splatter came out. I love animating that part. Compare the two versions and see the difference in animation and other things.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Small Project: Part Two

I was hoping to complete it today, but it seems like I'm not close enough to finishing it yet.
That small project I was talking about yesterday is a remastered version of an old video called "Down The Stairs." Remember? No? Here it is again:
After looking through some old files, I decided to recreate this video again because it's old and outdated. And I mean really outdated. After seeing this again, I thought "Holy crap, this looks kind of bad in several terms."
This time around, I'm putting a lot of effort into making the animation look really good, which I guess the reason why the progress is going a bit slow, but that's okay! That means I'm aiming for a high quality result at the end! I can't guess how close I am to finishing, so I'll post again about this topic when I can.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

A Small Project: Part One

Lately, I've been desiring to start another animated video, but for some reason I have a difficult time coming up with an idea that's good. I guess it's because of how limited I feel with the process, considering the fact that I'm the only voice actor, the time to create these kinds of things, and the fact that I don't want to "copy myself." What I mean by that is I don't want to simply animate comic strips and drawings that I already have in my sketchbook. Sure, they're my ideas, but I really push myself to separate what's in the sketchbook and my videos. It sounds crazy, I know, but that's just how I do.

Moving on. To keep myself animating, I started a short little project.
It's nothing too big; it's enough to keep me animating. I started it today, and hopefully will try to complete it tomorrow. Here's what I have so far:
I apologize for having the main action waaaay to the left, but that's all I have. I'm in the middle of creating the walk cycle for Chris, as you can see. What makes this shareworthy is the fact that how much time it took for me to make this and to make this look right in my eyes. Instead of creating the walk cycle with the arms and legs at the same time like how I always do, I decided to focus on the arms and legs separately. As you can see, I started with the arms first.
For a long time, I always believed that I already mastered the walk cycle. It's a difficult thing to create in animation, so today was a realization of how much I fooled myself into believing that I already mastered it.

I'll tell you more about the project tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Just for Fun

The other day, I drew my character just for fun.
The logo gets in the way, but eh, whatever. I'm going to try to do more of this whole "post drawings on a kind of regular basis" thing. It'll be good for me to get really used to drawing on a computer with the tablet.

Also just for fun, I created a tumblr and a Deviantart! The links will be added to the right column of the blog, but in case you can't reach that far, my tumblr blog is here and my Deviantart page is here. You lazies.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Mr. President

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

College Trap

It's not a bad thing since college is a great path to take, but it's kind of funny how when you finish high school, you like that's it! No more forced schooling! And now that you're done with school and spent about 13 years hating it, you decide it's time to continue schooling! It's such a contradiction to have these thoughts.

Monday, July 28, 2014


Thursday, July 17, 2014

In-Depth Development - Birthdays

Just how much is getting too much into detail with character development?
How should I know? Is there even a limit? It doesn't seem like so.

Like I've probably mentioned before, I taught myself how to draw and animate. This self-teaching also includes development on characters and stories, which to be honest I'm not sure if they actually teach that in a classroom or something.
ANYWAYS! I know I've mentioned that I go into small details when I develop characters, like going into small detail on how they act, what they like/don't like, and how they interact with other characters.
Lately, I've been thinking about giving several characters birthdays, and the thing is I'm not really sure if that's going too in-depth, you know?
I'm not sure if that kind of info is present on other shows, but when it comes to my characters, I want to make them be as real as possible.
How far is too far when these kind of little details are concerned? Tune in later to find out!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Rage Comic Edition

Very recently, I decided to create an account for iFunny because why not?
I was screwing around with its own meme-building tools when I thought "What would happen if I turned one of my comic strips into a rage comic?"
So that's exactly what I did.

Here's the original comic. I didn't feel like making it super colorful and polished.
...and here's the rage comic version of the comic.
>Le slightly changed dialogue

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Belated Birthday

I'm back from Mexico! I had a wonderful time, thank you for not asking!
During my trip, I drew this for my 18th birthday.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Gone for a Week

Some last minute things came up, so now I'll be visiting Mexico for a week.
I won't be able to work on any projects nor update the blog during next week.

Also, my birthday is coming up on the 22nd of this upcoming Sunday! I'm going to turn Mexico. Hopefully, I'll be able to post something on my birthday, but if not, well woop-de-doo. I'll officially be an adult.

I'll be back soon.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

As of Yesterday...

I started a new video project.
After recording the lines and putting it together in Flash, the video will turn out to be about a minute long, so for a one-man animator, this is a lot for me.

I'm crossing my fingers that I won't lose motivation on it and lazily finish the video.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

On the Run

New video is finally up! Check it here.
This is my personal favorite video I've created, so try to spread it around and such!
Along with the new video, I've created a Facebook page for me. I'll have the link up with my other pages. Like "Doji Pocket Animation!"

Monday, June 16, 2014

Next Video Tomorrow!

I'm proud to announce the next video with be up tomorrow! I'm totally proud of it! Why? Well thanks for not asking!

Okay, so on a usual basis, a 30 second video can take to a week to complete. This video is 22 seconds long and it took me less than a day to finish! That's something to be proud of!
Secondly, this video is based of one my own favorite comic strip, which is also the favorite of many other people who've read the strip.
The animated version is now my favorite video I've created, so I have high hopes for this.
Look forward to it tomorrow!

Also, I created a Facebook page for Doji Pocket.
I'll post the link along with the new video.

Friday, June 13, 2014

The Misadventurnauts

Welp, after a span of several months, I finally finished and uploaded the video, which can be found here.

I have to admit, I'm not really proud of this one, mainly due to the fact that production took months to complete, which lowered my motivation, and due to that, I felt like I've done a lazy job at animating some parts, cut some parts out, and totally botched the ending.
At least I admitted fault to the quality of the video. Concerning the audio quality on the other hand, that's always my mic's fault. I absolutely loathe the recording process.

But enough about negativity! At least I was finally able to complete the video!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Fan Art Remaster

As no one may know, I used to post Flipnotes on a regular basis on a site called Flipnote Hatena. I never really had a main sight for what kind of an audience I wanted to aim for, but I naturally attracted a ton of kids because, well, who else owned a Nintendo DSi?
I was one of those "popular creators" when the site was still on, but not popular enough to the point where I would usually have a ton of fan art of my characters. Now, I could of really cared less if I didn't get any fan art or anything, but once in a blue moon I will, and it's kind of flattering.

So recently, I've been randomly chatting with a fan of mine from Flipnote Hatena, and it turns out, he drew up a frame from one of my Flipnotes in full color, which I really loved. There was something about it that gave me favor for it.
(Keep in mind that when I was creating these small animations, I didn't have the drawing style I have now, so you'll see the crudeness of it all)

Here's the original frame:
And here's the fan art:
As you can see, they really got it spot on. I was totally impressed by how precise the details are.
It's times like this that I'm reminded that, even though the site has ended, the fans and the memories really do remain.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Summer Reading

In terms of reading, I don't read a lot. It's not that I don't like reading; I just simply don't read as much. That might change this summer.

My father was able to give me a digital copy of The Animator's Survival Kit.
I've read it a few times before since he happens to own a physical copy, and now I have the fortunate to copy a copy for myself to read!

Since I'll be out of school in less than a week, this is a great opportunity to spend some time over the summer to read this book.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

June is here!

Ahh, June. This month marks the end of a long school year and the start of a long, well deserved summer break, and for others it's just a another ol' blazing summer.

However, as I mentioned before, this June is the June I finally graduate from high school and can now start my own path in life, whether it be going to college, getting a job, or maybe starting a business. After June 11, the endless possibilities start flowing in.
In other news, I've temporarily stop animating to focus on this last week of school work. I'm tellin' ya, the most work you'll ever do in school comes during the last two weeks of school. I haven't done any progress at all for weeks!

In other unrelated news, 21 days left.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Graduation Approching

With the end of high school nearing its end, I can feel like nervousness of entering college and becoming a regular member of society increasing.
I can't believe it! It's almost here! Our Graduation!
According to the board in my third period, there's 15 days until we graduate.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Misadventurenauts Sneak Peek

I'm currently working on the Misadvetnurenauts animated video again, and I decided to share a frame screenshot.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Working for Others

I know I made a post about awhile ago about how I wanted to work and create on my own content rather than the content of others.

Well, guess what's been happening the last few days?

A friend of mine not too long ago asked me to create some short animated footage for a video he's working on for his Video Production class. I followed his direction and he liked the end result.

Then just recently, him and another good friend of mine met up with me and asked me to animate several scenes for a video project they're both working on in the same class.
I've got to say, this kind of offer is kind of neat. It's a great opportunity to gain experience and bettering myself in animating.
Don't get me wrong. I'm still not big on assisting with creating someone else's work or project, but I think it's safe to say that this is exception, especially since these are cool guys I know.
I hope they won't mind if I post one of the clips they wanted me to do.
Before this scene, you see the computer screen with a photo of a "duck face," then this scene comes on. Now it makes better sense, right?

I gotta say, what I really loved about this task was that I pretty much animated all the different scenes they wanted non-stop. I literally animated straight from 5pm to 12am. I totally loved it! I feel like a real, dedicated animator. Even though I finished at midnight, I felt refreshed for some reason.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Experimental Drawing Style

We're a few days into May!
Let's get things started!

A few Mondays ago, my English teacher has given us another typical assignment. However, this was no typical assignment.

We're currently reading the novel 1984, written by George Orwell. This one particular assignment is something we've done before, which is to create a comic strip of a certain section of a chapter, or sometimes the whole chapter. She usually wants us to create with a "graphic novel" type of style, so while the rest of the class went about with stick figures, I had a different idea in mind.
As you know, this is my usual way of drawing:
Totally my kind of style, right?

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Google's 50 Finalists

...and as usual and expected, I didn't make it. Oh frickin' well.
Here's what I submitted:
My machine is called the "Frown Around 2000."
My description goes as followed: "This machine can turn anyone's negative and bumming mood into a happier, positive attitude. With a more positive mood, people will feel more motivated to contribute their part in society in an influential way, thus making the world a better place."
Yeah, so that's my idea in making a world a better place. How great of an idea this was.

Well, the ultimate prize was the artist's doodle to be featured on Google's homepage.
I decided to screw it all and do that myself.

Monday, April 21, 2014

One More Post About Wondercon

If I didn't care any less, I could post on and on about Wondercon; however, I got one more thing to post about.

With all the amazing artists and indie comics trying to get their names out in the world, I thought I'd join in and do the same. I didn't host a booth or anything, but with the huge white space the badge had, I thought I'd take the opportunity to attempt to put my name out there as well.
Of course the fuzzy red blob isn't part of the picture.
It's kind of difficult to gain sight of my blog's URL, but it is possible to read it nonetheless.
I'm starting to wonder if any readers out there spotted my badge.