Friday, November 14, 2014

A Very Boring Summer

Another day, another drawing! Over my summer vacation (mainly around late July, early August), I was just completely dead from boredom. I started thinking about if this "summer vacation" thing was a way for schools to bore their students into wishing they were back at school, and then I drew this.
Alright, so another drawing also means more unknown characters to introduce! Goody!

The girl on the left is Danielle, and the one on the right is Daisy.
I know for a fact that Danielle has shown up in a few drawings that's been published on here, so she is a bit of a familiar face around here. I bet what you don't know, however is that she's a shy and quiet kind of person on the outside, but once you get to know her, you'll find out that she's extremely caring, loving, understanding, and maybe even a bit silly and great person to be around with. With these kinds of description, she probably sounds like an introvert, but it's really hard to label her like that since we always see her "caring, loving, understanding, and maybe even a bit silly" side of her. If you caught on from that Valentine's Day drawing a posted a while ago, you'll probably already know she has a major crush on the main character, Chris. I think that's all you really gotta know about her.

Now the spotlight's on Daisy. To be honest, she's one of those under developed characters I have, which I shame myself in because I spent more time with more of my major characters. Hmm...what can I say about her?
Originally, she was created to the "pretty girl," but natural evolution proved that fact to be completely worthless, so that label is disregarded nowadays. One trait I gave her so that I'll be able to come back to her is that I gave her in interest in baking, which sparked an interesting little back story, which lead to the creation of another minor character which is her rival in the series. Emphasis on the "minor" label, since that character hardly comes up at all.
At first, she was kind of this quiet, low-tone kind of character, but recently she moved to being a fun character like Jake.