Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween 2018!

Another Halloween, another drawing of Marilyn for the spooky holidays!
Happy Halloween everybody!

Friday, October 26, 2018

Inktober 2018 - Drooling & Exhausted

I'm going for a two-fer today!

Here's the drawing for "drooling"
Definitely my least favorite drawing this month. It didn't come out as good as I wanted too. This kind of ties in to the next drawing, almost as a narrative in a way.

Here's my "exhausted" drawing
Funny enough, this one is one of my favorite drawings for this month! It's very polarizing to show off my least favorite and most favorite drawings in one post.
These two go together well in a way because I see it like this: the first drawing is me sleeping peacefully, then the second is me shortly after at work doing my 9am shift.

Work has been brutal with their "billion hours a week" bit while I try to do my school stuff at the same time, but I guess that's how fast food goes. At least I can save up to finally buy a Cintiq soon! Hopefully sometime in November!

Thursday, October 25, 2018


Seems like the mysterious Illuminati aliens have seen that previous post I made and have made their response well known lol

Whoever you are, thanks a ton for your viewership! Every now and again, I like to point out viewership from interesting parts of the worlds! And seeing this is from an unknown location, it's definitely the most interesting source of views, especially since their views jumped after I made the previous post lmao

...or maybe these are just bots.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Inktober 2018 - Chicken

I've been very behind on posting my Inktober stuff on here and Twitter, AND on doing my Inktober in general. To make up for it, here's the drawing for the topic "chicken"
I'm not gonna lie, I'm obsessed with Nelly. I love this character!
I simply love the idea that she names her barn animal friends, with her favorite being Abigail the cow. I also enjoy the idea of a chicken being named Melody.

Speaking of Nelly, I'm still working on redrawing the Class of 2422 line-up, though it's been going very slow. Ya know, school and work and stuff.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Inktober 2018: Spell

Spells! Magic! Wizardry!

At least that's the path I went with for the topic "spell." For this, I drew up the only dark magic-welding character I've created, Mandy.
I really like how this one came out!
Since I've been really busy with school, schoolwork, and work lately, I'm using Inktober as an excuse to draw my characters. It's a nice break from things, though I'm really behind in the topics. I'm trying to catch up!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018




Or maybe someone is using a VPN or something.

aNd ThEy'Re AlIeNs In SpAcE?!!!!1!!1

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Inktober 2018: Roasted

The third topic for this year is "roasted!"

Initially I wanted to do something related to roasting (in terms of making a sick burn to someone, like a witty comeback) but I didn't know how to execute that idea so I went with this cutesy idea of a jack o' lantern roasting a marshmallow over himself since jack o' lanterns usually have a small candle inside of them. 
Simple idea, but I thought it was a neat drawing.

I just remembered I never finished with redrawing/coloring my favorite Inktober drawings from LAST year! Ahh geez...

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Another October, Another Inktober

Last year, I went and completed a full month of Inktober. This year, I'm doing it again!

I'll be following the official Inktober prompt, just like last year, and I'll make an effort to post the daily drawings on this blog to bring some life around here.

I'm a bit late for the first two days, but better late than never I suppose!

Here's "poisonous" and "tranquil"
I couldn't stop thinking about "Emperor's New Groove" for poisonous since they tried to poison Kuzco at the beginning of the film.
This was perfect timing since that day (or the day before) I was so deep into my peaceful sleep that I didn't even hear my alarm ringing; I woke up really late for class. Good times.