Monday, May 30, 2016

Anatomical Drawing Final

The Friday before my Anatomical Drawing class ended was when we did our final for the class. Our teacher had us draw a bust that were set up in the class, and this is the final result from drawing this bust I drew:
What a square-headed baldy!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

WARE Homepage 2

I finished my Intro to Digital Art class this past Tuesday, and now I'm back with final project goodies that I wanted to share!
First off, here's an animated gif of the webpage:
Excuse the horrible quality of the gif. That's how it came out when exported; at least you can see how the site would be animated.

Next are the four pages I created to go along with the subject of the project, WARE.
Going from top to bottom, there's the cover page, inner first page, inner second page, and the back cover. We created the pages with Adobe Indesign, which was the first thing we actually started with. Sadly, I didn't have enough time to code the webpage with Dreamweaver, but I'll be getting extra credit for animating the site with Flash.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Smug Doggo

s m u g

Sunday, May 22, 2016

WARE Homepage

In the Doji Pocket Cinematic Universe, there exists a tech company, an equivalent to Apple, called the WARE Corporation. If you look really closely, many electronic devices that my characters use has the WARE logo on it. You know, that lambda-looking thing:
Well in my intro to digital art class, we've been tasked to create a pamphlet and webpage on a business, whether it's real or fictional, and I thought "Hey, I have a fictitious company in mind!" I'm not sure how to share the pamphlet since it was created in Indesign, but I have the home page really to show!
The design was very much stolen- er, I mean, inspired by Apple's home page since WARE is a sort of parody of Apple in the first place. By next week, I'll posted an animated version of the page.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Russian Invasion

Sorry about the absence around here. I've been kind of busy with school.
Also, seems like Mother Russia is taking a keen interest in me.
Vladimir Putin, I swear I'm not harboring any secret plans to invade Russia. Trust me, bro.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Conflicting Design and Color

Welp, I knew this was going to hit me, but I didn't know it was going to be so hard.

Recently, I've been creating alternate outfits for the 2422 cast, since it didn't make sense that they would always be donning their school uniforms all the time. When working on Marilyn's street casual costume, I've come to realize that I created a design very much like Danielle's clothing. I strongly prefer (want) to have different characters dressed very differently from each other and at the end I finally came up with something that's different from those two, and although the two designs still share some similarities I decided I'll let it pass it.
Next is the coloring. I had an idea in my head as to how Marilyn's street casual apparel would be colored, and it didn't really work out. Color schemes that did work, however already existed with other characters which I wasn't gonna use.

Man, it's annoying for me to see very similar elements in both character, design, and story with both 2422 and "Summer Vacation." They were both created about a couple years apart, but development of the two ran completely parallel with each other, resulting with a good amount of obviously obvious (to me) elements that are shared between the two.

Hopefully I've have more time to work on the character revamps some time soon. We have about three weeks in the semester left, and that's when things are gonna start becoming hectic and busy for me.

Monday, May 2, 2016

An Other Worldly Character

Continuing with the cast of 2422, here's a full page of an alien character I'm playing with.
I kind of hate the fact how I tend to make pretty simple character designs, but in this case I wanted to make an alien character that didn't look like the typical "dangerous reptillian humanoid green/gray men" look; this was the best I can come up with. It was difficult to come up with a unique design when literally the only idea of an alien's looks are this. I'm still kind of playing around with looks, but for now I like this current design.

This little guy comes from a species where their body is made of a green gelatinous plasma kind of material covered with a thin membrane. Ever since they started to live alongside the humans, they realized very quickly that our Sun's ultraviolet rays are pretty harmful to them. To combat that, they use our sunscreen which is surprising effective for them. It's not there fault, since their planet is further from their system's star.
Unlike a typical race of aliens where they want to conquer and eliminate life on entire planets, they offer the exact opposite; they are of a peaceful kind. In some ways, they're better at being friendly than us humans, which is probably not a surprise given how terrible we tend to be.