Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Another Year in Review

Boy oh boy, what a year.

I like to think that the year started off extremely well since from December 2014 to about August 2015 was this huge wave of posting some of my favorite cartoon drawings and comic strips that I've selected to show off on the blog. Think about it: from December 2014 to August 2015! That's an impressive amount drawings posted! Not daily through those days, but nonetheless my supply of drawings I wanted to share is a lot.
Well, 83 drawings is a lot, you know. Here the link to the cartoon drawings archive if you want to go through all of 'em again.
***EDIT: It was actually 44 drawings that were posted from Dec. 2014 to Aug. 2015.

Hmm...what else...
Welp, I joined Charahub (which I will eventually update once the character designs are done!), and this year saw the beginning and the end of that one web comic I tried to do, Austin and Jennifer.
Oh yeah, I recreated my Doji Pocket logo due to an error in a data transfer that almost lost everything in my old USB drive. Thank God my cartoon and animation files survived that!

Also, I've made huge steps forward in developing my skills as an artist thanks to the classes and teachers that have pushed me and guided me to become a better artist. A lot of that progress hasn't really been shown here at all, so next year (like hopefully in January) I'll try to go ahead and post some artwork and pieces I've done for my art classes.

I guess that about does it for this year.
Thank you for keeping up with me this year (if anyone was ;-;) and I hope you'll continue doing so into the next year!

See ya in 2016!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Design Test Update

Here's the progress on the further designing of some characters:
For the most part, the color is more or less set in stone, although little color tweaks are still being played around with. I've yet to play around with skin color, but as you might have guess (if you bothered to guess at all), Danielle's skin tone is basically set now since it was used in the Christmas drawing I posted not too long ago. Also, I've finally finalized Danielle's attire! Shown in the Christmas drawing, it took for-freaking-ever to come up with something nice and decent for Danielle. In the end, what you see is what's set in stone now.

To sum it up: Danielle's appearance design is 100% complete. Whew.
Everyone else is like at 98-99% done; I still like to do some tiny tinkering to everyone else.
Right now, I'm reworking Mandy's attire, and let me say that's it's totally different from before.

I was hoping all the characters that were lined up here would be done with the design enhancements before the end of the year, but due to the mix of heavy workload on the last two weeks of the semester and that I spent extra time obsessing on finally completing Danielle's attire design, I don't think I'll finish everyone in time.

But hey, five out of seven ain't so bad, right? RIGHT?! RIGHT?!?

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Today's the 25th of December! You know what that means!
I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas today! Hope you're all gathered together with family and friends in time for this special time of year!

I even managed to complete a neat drawing for today!
Here's the link for the background if you're interested!

Again, hope you have an amazing Christmas this year!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

An Almost Christmas Day!

Hey everyone! I just wanted to quickly stop by and say Merry Almost Christmas everyone!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Logo Tweak

I finally did a much needed tiny tweak to the Doji Pocket logo.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Comic Book Project: Final Versions

Here are the completed versions of the cover and inside pages for that comic book project:
At the last second, I changed the time machine from a car to a booth. I also spend way too much time on the cover than I expected.
Now here's the inside pages:
I'm not too good at backgrounds, so sorry about the crappiness witnessed here.
I spent like about 12+ straight the day before it was due. It was grueling, but overall I like the end results! Of course, there's tons of room for improvements here, but I'm fairly satisfied with what I did here.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Comic Book Project - Inside Pages

Back again with the progress of this comic book project!
Here's the inside pages so far:

Oh yeah, here's the progress on the cover:

Comic Book Project - Cover

I am, like, totally packed with stuff that's just piling down since I basically have one week left of school. I haven't even drawn any of my cartoons at all lately.

Today, I'll just show off the start of this project. We started the project about a week or two ago, and I'm finally starting the digital process of things.
We gotta do a cover and the first two pages for this project, and here's the cover:
I'll try to show progress of other art projects as well, just to be active around here.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Back to Bad Terms Again?

C'mon United States and China, we settled this like men already.
I know that you super power countries make it a priority to win my heart, but is it worth nuking the world to win my affection?


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy ol' Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Here's a little drawing to show how hungry we're all gonna be today. As you can see, I tried drawing in a different style. It came out okay.
As an American myself, I can confirm that a single American can feed a family of four.

Hahahaha fat jokes, am I right?

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Another Nother Color Testing Line-Up Version: Version 2.3.0 (Preview)

Yah, I updated the color testing line-up again, however this time I just updated it with any redesigns that some characters went through.
And maybe, just maybe, I did a little color changing.
Originally, I was gonna show off the completed set, however designing out the characters is taking more time than I thought, so here's a preview of what I have so far:
So at this point, Chris, Jake, and Alyssa are finished. Danny was completed until her designed-out look didn't look right digitally. The coloring aren't totally set since I'm playing with it again to suit their designed out appearance.
As you can see, I'm finally playing with skin tone. I knew for the longest that their skin tone was gonna be different, but I never bothered to change it up until now. Skin tones are, of course, not set yet right now.

Eventually, more characters will be added to the line-up.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Action Scene Project

I finished a project that my Cartooning teacher wanted us to do.
Here's the project before it was painted:
...and here it is painted:
I just started using watercolor this semester, so excuse the crap painting and coloring skills you see here. I didn't like how the it came out, but at least it looks better than the last project I colored.

Let's never talk about that last project.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Pre-Halloween Drawing

It's not much of a "pre-Halloween" thing, but rather than a drawing that was done way earlier in the day of Halloween. Its purpose was to draw out Chris as Marty McFly for the actual Halloween drawing which was posted here if you don't remember, which you should have ya lump-fer-brains.

But yeah

Monday, November 2, 2015

The End of Austin and Jennifer

Currently, I have an ongoing series on Tapastic called "Austin and Jennifer."
"Ongoing" is not the right word since creating the series is almost impossible due to other responsibilities that gets in the way.

I've been thinking about stopping the continuation of the series. I've simply lost interest in creating more episodes. Because so much stuff gets in the way of making more episodes, I've became distant from my own series.

The last episode will be episode 15., which is published right now.
All the episodes are now posted on a separate page on the blog, which the link can be found on links page, or here.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Russians Love Me?!

It seems that Russia is beating the view counts of my home country, the U.S.
Am I the reason why we might have a another Cold War?
Is Russia and the United States trying to win the heart of this lonely blogger?
Will Switzerland have a chance at coming out on top?
How did Mexico become involve in this mess?
Will China just beat everyone by putting everyone else in massive debt?
What word rhymes with "Ukraine?"

...oh yeah, and Portugal's there too.

Also, this:
This redirection doesn't make any sense at all!
"Page for Russian Social App => My Blog?"
What the Hell is even happenin- OH WAIT A MINUTE.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Banner Blockout

So as none of you noticed (or cares), I dropped all of the banners across all my social media pages. What banner, you ask? They looked/are a variation of this:
As you know, the characters in this banner are characters I've been developing for over 5 or 6+ years by now; they are always undergoing changes either in personality or appearances because I want these guys to be as organic as actual people. And as you know again, people in general always change over time.

Welp, it seems like I have finally achieved making these guys organic as possible because I'm revamping them again. It's not any changes appearances this time, but rather additions to their designs. I've realized that I wanted to design them more, so I'm going to try to do that as much as I can without making them visually complicated, but still in the ballpark of visually simplistic.

Here's a sneak peak of what I'm gonna try to achieve with every character
The look is not final, but you get the idea of what I'm planning to do.

Here we go again.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Back to the Future 30th Anniversary!

Thirty years ago, my all-time favorite movie was released.
Five years ago, I saw the movie on the big screen in theaters for the first time on its 25th Anniversary.

Today I bring you an unfinished piece I was gonna finish but I started it way too late to complete on time.
I'm not sure if I'll ever finish this since I'm too late, but I hope I do since I haven't done any BTTF fan art (or at least any good fan art) despite being a major nerd for this movie.

Ah well, looks like I was...

Also, this just so happens to be the 300th post on the blog! Weee!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Because Why Not

There was literally not a single downside to this decision.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

What's a Art Amino?

Not too long ago, I joined a little place called "Art Amino." It's an app that's solely dedicated to the arts and users are able to post their own art works and such. I joined because I thought "Eh, I don't got much to lose." It's kind of like an Instagram sort of place, but only pictures of art works are posted.

It's a nice place; for now, I'm just using it casually and exploring this app's community .
You can only access it through the Art Amino app so if you have the app already, search me up! My username's, of course, Doji Pocket.

I'm not sure how long I'll be active since I'm just checking it out for now, so we'll see.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Cartoony Skelly

So we did a skeleton drawing project and
I got marked down for making it "too cartoony." It wasn't even on purpose.

Somebody kill me.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Caricature Drawing

For another quick assignment, we were told to draw a caricature of any person of our choice, so I went ahead and did one of Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Super Mario and the Legend of Zelda.

Here's the main piece of reference I used, which was a screenshot I took from a Ninten \do video

And here's the drawing I did of him

I did the whole body, but I decided to just show off the main part of the drawing.
Personally, I love how just everything about this cartoony style just fits Miyamoto.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

New Pen Tips!

Part of the reason I haven't done anything digitally (besides school) is that the tip of my current pen has been scratched down to a weird slope that makes drawing very difficult that times.

Now that I've received new tips, drawing should be a bit more easier!
Do you see how worn down the white tip is? It's crazy.
Hopefully I'll be able to do a little more digital stuff with ease now.
Awww yissss

Saturday, September 26, 2015

One Page Narrative

For our first project in my Cartooning class, we had to do a sort of one panel that tells a story with little to no words, and that it had to be understood in a near instance at a glance.

Here's both the rough and the final for it:
Of course, I have different earlier versions of this with a way different set up, but I wanted to share these two for now.

Came out neat, didn't it?

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Filler Drawing

Sorry about the inactivity lately. School's been eating up a lot of my time, but behind the scenes I'm making time on working on a couple of small changes to some of my characters' outfits right now. So far it's going good.

I really don't have much to post at this point, so here's a drawing of a cutie.

*EDIT: Here's the redesigned version of said cutie:

Monday, September 14, 2015

Color Testing COMPLETE (almost, kinda)

Alright, so I finally finished the color testing process on most of my characters!

...kinda. I say kinda because I know I'll eventually go back in and make unnoticeable color tweaks to some of these characters if I feel the need to change something, but for the most part (like 99% of the part), this is basically what I exactly wanted these characters to look like in color. So here's the completed set!
Now here's the the second part of the completed color testing:
The notable difference is that the second character to the left is wearing an alternate outfit, her cheerleading outfit. She's the only character so far that doesn't stick to just one outfit.

Also, the cheerleading outfit for the girl at the second to the right is still being worked on, and Danielle's undergoing a slight outfit change too, so hopefully they'll be completed very soon.

I truly am extremely happy to finally have set the color schemes for these characters. They're so beautiful in color! Especially grouped together this!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Color Testing 2

Very slight changes in design and color were made.
More characters are added to the color testing line-up!
It's no one new, but they're new to color testing!

As always, the designs and coloring of these characters aren't set in stone yet.

*Note: This post was created a long time ago and I didn't bother to post it until now. The color testing process is now finished. I'll post that like in a day or two.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

End of the First School Week

Today marks the end of my first week of my second year of college which is my third semester.

I have to admit, I had a ton of fun in my Life Drawing class, and it kind of feels good to return to learning Japanese again. However, I have high hopes for my Cartooning class this semester!

I got a good feeling for this semester.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

I Spy My Crush

You can't trust your crush these days, ya know. I mean even though they don't know it yet, they are in a relationship with you. It's a secret to them of course, but that's what keeps the relationship thrilling.

...and this concludes the Cartoon Drawings posting for now.

I haven't been drawing much in the sketchbook where I draw funny comic strips and such lately, so I don't have any more of these to post anymore.

Until I can gather more stuff jokes and strips up to post more of these, 'tis the end for now.
Lately though, I have been thinking about going through the drawing that I've posted and thought about putting some of these in Photoshop and coloring them up and remastering them. I haven't decided if I want to do that yet since I recently started school.

I'm still going to be active on here, but I just won't have any funny toons to show.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Internet Facts

It's actually a true fact, but I reworded it for the sake of the comic.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Hack n' Slash 3

I visited this arcade at this mall that was totally awesome and filled with tons of Japanese arcade games. While there, I drew up a little doodle of Alyssa playing on an arcade cabinet in which I already inked over. 
It didn't have much going for it, so I imported that drawing in Photoshop and made it better.

"Coming soon to an arcade near you, HACK n' SLASH 3! The newest gore fest video game brought to you by TONENDO!" Make your way through a zombie-filled world as you HACK n' SLASH your way to safety! Will you survive?"

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Those Silly Artists

Silly artists and their pain and suffering.
Ha ha ha ha I'm so depressed and alone and dead inside and I feel the need to express it with art.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Updated Doji Pocket Banner

I noticed how weird and poopy that picture was, so I decided to remake it and update it!
So here's the old Doji Pocket banner:
And here's the new hot and sexy updated version which contains the characters' current looks and designs:
Doesn't it look great? (Hint: the answer is yes.) The colors are more alive and vibrant, the characters have a fresh new look since they last appeared on the old banner, and has all around good vibes from it!

Some of these characters' appearances and looks are subject to change, so the banner will be updated from time to time when changes are implemented.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Color Testing 1.5

In June, I posted a color testing thing I was working on in which I would try different colors on my characters, which were mainly Danielle, Jake, and Daisy.

Last night, I redrew everything (along with the redesigned outfits for Danny and Daisy) in Photoshop and I'd like to share that. (Because sharing is caring.)
Danny's and Daisy's new outfit designs and colorings aren't finalized yet, but this what I have in the works as of right now.