Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Another Year in Review

Boy oh boy, what a year.

I like to think that the year started off extremely well since from December 2014 to about August 2015 was this huge wave of posting some of my favorite cartoon drawings and comic strips that I've selected to show off on the blog. Think about it: from December 2014 to August 2015! That's an impressive amount drawings posted! Not daily through those days, but nonetheless my supply of drawings I wanted to share is a lot.
Well, 83 drawings is a lot, you know. Here the link to the cartoon drawings archive if you want to go through all of 'em again.
***EDIT: It was actually 44 drawings that were posted from Dec. 2014 to Aug. 2015.

Hmm...what else...
Welp, I joined Charahub (which I will eventually update once the character designs are done!), and this year saw the beginning and the end of that one web comic I tried to do, Austin and Jennifer.
Oh yeah, I recreated my Doji Pocket logo due to an error in a data transfer that almost lost everything in my old USB drive. Thank God my cartoon and animation files survived that!

Also, I've made huge steps forward in developing my skills as an artist thanks to the classes and teachers that have pushed me and guided me to become a better artist. A lot of that progress hasn't really been shown here at all, so next year (like hopefully in January) I'll try to go ahead and post some artwork and pieces I've done for my art classes.

I guess that about does it for this year.
Thank you for keeping up with me this year (if anyone was ;-;) and I hope you'll continue doing so into the next year!

See ya in 2016!