Saturday, December 13, 2014

My Art Final: From Start to Finish

Alright, so at this point, the semester's pretty much done and now I'm finally free!


For the entire week of this last week, I was working on my art final project, which we had to recreate an image or photo on an illustration board and draw an object along with the picture. The drawing with the object is suppose to represent a memory or event or something around those lines, so for the final, I chose to do a photo I took not too long ago:
It's been cropped a bit, so that explains any pixelation that might be spotted in the photo. Along with this, I chose to draw a bike patch kit with the photo. What story is suppose to be told here? Tune in to find out, only on the Doji Pocket Channel, weeknights at 6/7c!

Okay, so I started this drawing at school, but didn't go through much. When I arrived back home, I started as soon as I can. Here's what I had after about two-ish hours:
I swear I'm gonna kill someone the next time that green coloring shows up on another picture again.
At this point it's not much, but I was worried that it would come out looking cartoony, like always whenever I attempt to try and draw something realistic as I can. Heck, I voiced that concern on my personal Facebook page.
Moving on. I continued working on until 2AM (because I tend to stay up way late), and so far, I am lovin' the progress made!
Oh my God, there's that green coloring again.
At this point, I simply love how great it's actually turning out to be! After school, progress continued as usual, from about 6PM...
...until finally, I was able to finish this portion of the project at around 10:50PM!
I even went ahead and created this to compare the completed drawing with the photo.
Now of course, I practically finished half the assignment. All I need is to draw that bike patch kit with the photo, which I figured that won't the hardest part in the world considering I just finished drawing all the leaves and stuff on the top half of the drawing!
So after stalling for about an hour, I finally started drawing just that and finally finished my entire art final project at 2:01AM.
Of course, work this great deserves to be matted, right?
After going through this entire post, I bet you're (hopefully) wondering, "But wait, what does this image with a bike patch kit have to do with anything?" Well, I'm glad you asked!

Before I moved out my old neighborhood, I was friends with a guy who lived right next door to me. It turns out we went to the same elementary school together (I was in about 5th grade, he in 4th.) We were friends for years, since I was living there from my 3rd or 4th grade year all the way to around my Freshman year of high school. One of our favorite activities we used to do all the time was go out biking, and one memory in particular that I'll probably never forget was when we biked over to Old Town Orange, which by the way, is an amazing little place to visit! The picture is suppose to represent our destination, Orange, and the bike patch kit represents our favorite activity, biking.
What makes that memory so, umm, memorable, was that he has never been to Old Town Orange, so I was kind of like his "tour guide," showing all the cool sights and places around.

This has really been a very lengthy post, eh? If you did all the reading, then congrats on you, buddy.
Then again, it was all mainly pictures...