Sunday, October 19, 2014

Car Scents

Ahh, don't you just love the smell of car exhaust in the morning?
So like I've stated before, with the introduction of these pictures into play means you get to see more of my characters that I've created that's been around for awhile, but never really show up here. Now that I'm exposing a bit more, I can safely introduce several of my other long time characters. I won't go much into details though.

The girl on the right is named Alyssa. She's a very "out-there" kind of person, usually loud and never afraid to show how she truly feels about anything. Her development took a naturally interesting turn, a turn I didn't even expect, which is one of the reasons why I have such a strong interest for her. Originally, her starting concept was to be the tom-boy, which quickly bridged her to the addition of having a strong interest in video games, and then again from there bridged her to, well, let's just say she's also a pretty huge pervert.

I never initially intended for those last two bits incorporated into her character, but that's the whole fun about character developing. When the character is given the total freedom to just "go out on there own," you just might learn a new thing or two about your own character.
In short, I never try to direct the development of a character to a strict, certain path.

Just like in our own lives, we have the freedom to develop, grow and mature into any unexpected and surprising way we want.