Thursday, October 16, 2014

Better Than The Fridge!

Not too long ago, we had our first real assignment turned in for a grade in my art class. The assignment was to draw our hand holding an object, which was fairly simple. The trick here is that we had to draw every little detail on our hand and choice of object.
I turned it in, I was a little bit nervous, and then when it was time to collect our drawings back, it wasn't in the pile. It turns out that our art instructor chose some of those drawings to be placed in a display class in the hallway of our art building, and my drawing ended up on display!
I apologize if the image seems a bit on the "lower quality" side, but that's my drawing! I chose my good ol' reliable lead pencil as my choice of holding. I have to admit, I really surprised myself at how amazing the drawing came out!