Friday, December 28, 2018

Inktober 2018 - Whale & Guarded

I really love how these next two drawings came out!
I wanted to do something different for the "whale" topic since everyone at the time was drawing a whale, but I wanted to create a whale-like kind of character. I think the result speaks for itself:

This second one for the "guarded" topic is one of my favorites because of the small history behind it. I had a project for a class several years ago where we had to design a character and I created a beefy bulky security guard. I never really liked any of the iterations and the submitted design for the project, so I decided to redo it for the topic and I've got to say: I really like this design!
Ain't it neat? Also, this design kinda reminds of the Kingpin character from that new Spiderman animated movie.

If you guys haven't seen "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse," THEN GO SEE IT! IT'S SO DAMN GOOD AND VISUALLY YUMMY! See it now.

N O W.