Sunday, January 22, 2017

New Title Finalized for "Summer Vacation!"

This series went through different names throughout the years, pre-dating this very blog!

Initially when I first created the series, the set name was "Summer Vacation." It was a perfect name for it at the time, however as time went on it went from being its set name to a temporary name, as I always mentioned it as its codename. It went under that name for about the last six years.

Not too long ago however, I revealed the new name for this series as "Everything Under the Sun," but as no one remembers (because no one reads follows this blog) I quickly took down that name because I realized it wasn't the right name for the series. So then THAT became its temporary name behind the scenes for a few months. Soon after, I shortened the temp name to simply "Under the Sun." I don't think I mentioned either of these names after I brought down its previous title reveal, but now after about six years I'm completely ecstatic to finally have the absolute perfect name that I really love, and it fit captures the theme and its story on the dot!


...going to be revealed in the next post.