Thursday, January 26, 2017

Revisiting An Old School Assignment 1: Part 2 - Complete!

I completed the revision of my old school assignment!
Here's the before image:
And here's the redone artwork!
Looks amazing! I'm really digging out well it came out!
Here's a look through at the process:

First thing first was to redraw the fighters and color 'em:
I decided to refine their poses a bit and to completely give the samurai character a new outfit design to suit her appearance better.
Next, I drew in the evil robot machines:
I beefed up the design of these killer robots, giving them more pointed edges to push their threatening evil looks.
After that, I added the shading to the bots for the impending explosion that'll be added in:
This took awhile since I had trouble figuring out how the light would be reflected off from them. Around here, I took a couple days off.
After which, I splashed in the background:
The the explosion (light source) was added in, giving sense to the characters' shading:
Soon after, I drew in the line art for the background:
The design for the background was improved and I added the shading to the ground as well. So far so good in this stage.
Next, I added color to the background:
As you can see, I tried added a bit of texture to the buildings' coloring so it wouldn't just be one block of color. In fact, that's what I tried to achieve with this whole drawing in general.
Then, after putting everything together, you get the final drawing!
It's such a major upgrade from the older version!