Friday, June 14, 2013

The Doodles Continue!

About a week ago, I ordered two new sketchbooks that look exactly like my old one, since I became used to its size.
They were actually really hard to find in stores, so luckily, we found 'em online. They arrived earlier this week, but I didn't actually get to them until last night.
I was really excited to get a hold of them. Like, I'd asked my dad everyday if they already arrived.

I have them now, but I haven't drawn anything in it yet. I guess my brain got used to not drawing or writing anything good lately, which was weird because when I finished my last book, I still had ideas and things I wanted to draw, but couldn't, which sucked for me. Sure, I could've put them down on something else, but I wanted to keep it in one place.
Now that they're here, I can probably be a bit more busy now in the summer.