Monday, January 18, 2016

More Design Progress

I'm getting really close to finalizing all (or at least 99%) of design upgrading and coloring. I hate to leave it in the dark for some time, so here's the finalized looks of some characters (that you've already seen a few times)
The design work on these characters are done. The newest one here is Sally in her cheerleader uniform. Her alternate clothing are done, but I'm keeping them out just in case I want to do some revision.
However, Daisy and Danielle aren't shown since I want to go back and do some focus on really finalizing their clothes and get a really good feel on them, making sure they fit their personality nicely.

As we all know, I'm having a hard time really finalizing a good look for Danielle (considering I proclaimed finalizing her clothing at least twice,) but it's getting there; for now I'm really focusing on Daisy.

Also, the coloring on all the characters are going great! Can't wait to show off the final looks!