Friday, March 11, 2016

Doji Pocket Lock Screen Wallpaper

So the other day, I was admiring this photo that I used for my lock screen wallpaper. It was a Japanese playing card, but with a Super Mario theme to it. I don't change my lock screen wallpaper too often, but it's only whenever I find a really cool picture online.
Then that got me thinking: "I should draw up my own lock screen wallpaper." I'm not the kind of guy to toot my own horn, but I think it came out really great!
Pretty sexy, right? In fact, it looks way better when it's in action!
Now I can't stop looking at my lock screen.
Originally, I was going to have that stripe-crossed background with my characters in the white spots, but I quickly realized it wasn't going to work out at all. After some quick thinking, I arranged the color stripes in a frame, drew up a rough version of the group of characters you see above, finalized the line work, colored it, and then used the original stripe-crossed background as, well, the background.

I was really hoping to include everything in the cast, but with a 720px x 1280px size, I was limited with including who goes in. The wallpaper was actually finished on March 9th, but after having it as my wallpaper for a day, I realized it needed some tweaking before I unveiled this online. The interesting thing was that originally it was going to have just a plain white background, but just as I described it, it looked to plain and white to leave it without any sort of background.

As of now, I'm thinking about whether to exclude the words that surround the apps I have on my lock screen. I thought it'd be funny to include those humorous names for the phone, messaging, Chrome, and camera, but now I feel like it's just out of place.

Overall, I think it looks pretty great!

*Edit: I looks better without the text at the bottom, so now I'm going with that.