Monday, February 4, 2013

What's a Limelight?

As a good number of people know, I used to go by the name "Limelight."
Well, as we all know now, I go by "Doji Pocket."
I thought Limelight was a good name, despite everything being called Limelight(if you Google the word) That name was held dear to me because as a little kid, I've wanted to open a studio called "Limelight Studios" (Now it's "Limelight Animation Studios" because then, I didn't animate)
But just last year, I typed "Limelight Animation," in the Google search bar and even before I finished typing the whole thing out, turns out, it already existed.
After that, I was down for two days. Limelight was my thing for several years, and in just seconds, it was done.
After I realized that Limelight was a stupid unoriginal name, I started coming up with something better! After all, my content is original, so my "name" should be the same.
That one fateful day, during the High School Exit Exam, I was finished early, so I had nothing to do, when out of nowhere, the name "Doji Pocket" occurred to me.
A few days pass by, and now, it's mah new thing! So here we are today with Doji Pocket.
Be on the lookout for "Doji Pocket Animation Studio" one day.

The reason I posted this was because I finally released the URL of this blog to Flipnote Hatena, a site where I used to be active, posting my animations. My username was Limelight.
Search me up the site if you've never seen my work!
Just don't see anything before 2013. That stuff's OLD.