Anyone that knows me well should know that I love the future! I love all the sophisticated gadgets, building designs, fashion, and culture of the future! Even though we aren't living in a chrome-covered 4583 AD kind of future, it's something I've have a huge interest for. That includes nearly everything science fiction has to offer.
So naturally, I want to create something surrounding all that. Every concept idea I've created surrounding this, either failed or I just didn't stick on to it because I didn't like. Mainly, they would strangely similar to familiar movies. STRANGELY.

Then it all came together when I thought a history teacher would be better if he was a time traveler instead. After that thought, boom. Everything worked.
So the image here is a reference to how I will design the high school teenagers will attend soon in 2122 AD and also for the city it will take place in. Mainly for the city design, but you get the idea.