Tuesday, January 22, 2013

It's back!

Just when I thought it wouldn't return to Anaheim again this year, it returns to Anaheim again this year! WonderCon returns to Anaheim this year! It's good news, well, for me at least. I just received the e-mail, giving me access to buy tickets for the convention.
For those who don't know, WonderCon is exactly like Comic Con, except it's slightly smaller in size, but it still offers all the Comic Con goodies!
...AND if you still don't get the idea, it's a comic convention! All the cartoons n' movies n' video game companies n' TV shows n' anime n' cosplayers n' comic writers n' more, will be at this convention.
These conventions made me feel like I was with the group of people, sharing similar interests and actually caring about the creators who created all our entertaining shows we watch today.
It's a big nerd convention basically. I belong with these people. These are my people!

So in other news, this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCkYw3cRwLo