Wednesday, July 3, 2019

June Animation Practice - Music Beats

I'm not a big fan of how this one came, but I've got to post something to show I did something for my animation practice for the month of June.
At least I'm putting in frame mileage, right?
I was able to buy Clip Paint Studio EX during a sale in late June, and I was trying to get used to the animation workflow with the program; I realized it might take longer than I thought. I was also able to get a trial of Toonboom Harmony; I'm also trying to get used to the program as well.

In the meantime, I've really got to get myself to designing the rest of the characters for my upcoming video! I was really hoping to start it in late June; here's to hoping I start something in July!

Oh by the way, the song is the beginning of "Lost in the Game" by Public Access T.V.