Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Old Sketchbook Pages 14

First post for October! Speaking of October, I've decided to partake in the Inktober challenge! I'm currently posting them on my personal social media pages, but I'll be sure to post them on here later. School's been keeping me pretty occupied and I don't have much easy access for updating the blog.

The Blogger app sucks a ton, but using Blogger on a mobile interweb browser is totally perfect, so I might use that.

Without further ado, here's more fun doodles from the past! (at least I think they're fun)
I think around this time was when I was messing around with redesigning Jake's hairstyle? It seems I'm never satisfied with any redesign for his hair. Heck, even now I'm considering changing it again!
But as you can see, we have a small drawing of Princess Daisy from the Super Mario series, Jake, Danny, and another short-haired Alyssa.