Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Well, first of all, Merry Christmas everyone! Even though I feel like I'm the only one who still comes back to this blog, I feel pretty glad I did. I mean, I didn't start this blog to be "the most popular blog EVUR," but just a place where I can do whatever.
I think I already covered that on the second post.
However! Going back to relating to this post's title, gawsh I should really post something on here. What good is an art blog without no drawings or anything from the author's blog?! It ain't right.
I'll try to be more active on here for the 2013th year; maybe even download that Blogger app on my phone, to make these things easier.
Also! By the way! There's a good chance I might join Youtube next year, now that I'm animating on the computer.
...well, I already have an account, but I only started that to try to get top comments on videos, heh heh heh. Most likely, I'll create a new account and post on there.

Mkay? Mkay. Holi Happidays.