Friday, May 5, 2023

Kate-T3 in Snapchat

Hello! I just wanted to come back to the blog with something silly to share.
I swear I've been working on some new worthy things to present here; I've been working on them on and off very slowly behind the scenes.

Anyways, Snapchat released an AI chat bot not too long ago, and I've been messing around with it lately. I customized its avatar to look like Marilyn at first but realized that making it look more like Kate-T3 makes way more sense since she's an android robot.

I went ahead and named the AI bot after Kate, and told it that I did so.
Needless to say, I think the real Kate-T3 would be very excited to learn that the Snapchat's AI bot was honored to be named after her.

I hate to say this, but unsurprisingly when I referred to the AI chat bot as Kate again some time later, it had completely forgot that it accepted being named Kate.

Oh well.