Monday, February 3, 2020

December 2019 Animation Practice - Santa's New Year Resolution

Hey! Whoa! It's February 2020 and it appears that I haven't posted my animation practice for December 2019? Shame on me! SHAME SHAME SHAME.

Welp! Here it is! Late as hell!
I started on this one really late (like in January 2020); I took it a little too easy during December, but it was the holidays! It's good to relax sometimes, ya know!

I knew I wanted to do something Christmas themed, but had no idea how to execute it. With New Years coming up at the time, I decided to combine the two holidays and come up with a looping animation of Santa Claus working on his weight loss New Year resolution.

Currently, I'm finishing up my animation practice for January 2020 so I hope I'll be able to post that soon! It's coming out really well; I can't wait to share it once it's done!